31 Sentences From A Particular Ruler: José Mujica

31 quotes from a particular leader: José Mujica

One can agree or disagree with the ex-president of Uruguay José Mujica. You can question your decisions, your policies and even your image.

However, if there is anything that characterizes him, it is his brilliant way of promoting a philosophy based on social freedom, solidarity and respect.

Here we offer you a compilation of his best quotes :

1. “If I had a lot of stuff, I should take care of it. The real freedom lies in the fact of consuming little ”. 

2. “Yes, a world with better humanity is possible. But, maybe the first thing to do is save his life ”.

3. “If we continue like this, it will be impossible to fill the sense of waste that we have”.

4. “ Power doesn’t change people, it only reveals who they really are”.

5. Better living does not only mean having more but being happier ”

6. “I want to know the truth but I don’t believe in justice at all”

7. “I feel angry, I get heated, I say nonsense but I cannot cultivate hatred (…). You have to respect it, especially when it hurts ”. 

8. “The inevitable is not done by whining. The inevitable, you have to face it ”. 

9. “Yes, I’m tired and it won’t stop until the day they take me to a box”.

10. “Our world needs less global organizations, which actually serve hotel chains, and more humanity and science”.

11. “We were born only to consume and when we cannot, we suffer from frustration, poverty and even self-marginalization and self-exclusion”.

12. “We occupy the temple of the god Market, he organizes our economy, our politics, our habits, our life and even buys our happiness in the form of consumer credits”.

13. “Even if the economy is globalizing, our heart and our subjectivity cannot globalize”. 

14. “We raze the jungles, the real jungles and we build anonymous jungles of cement”.

15. “We are confronted with a sedentary lifestyle with walkers, insomnia with medication, loneliness with electronics”.

16. “Freedom makes it possible to think differently, because in order to agree, there is no need for freedom”. 

17. “Today, man does not rule the forces he has unleashed, but the forces he has unleashed rule him”.

18. “Do not allow your inner youth to be stolen from you. That of the outside, inevitably, flies away with time. But there is an interior youth, an intimate territory, which concerns you and which is united to a very simple word: the solidarity of the human condition ”.

19.  “The impossible costs a little more, and those who surrender and give up inevitably fail”.

20.  “I do not look to the past because the real today is born from the fertile ashes of yesterday”.

21. “To be free is to spend most of your life in something you love to do”.

22. “The war will continue until nature calls us and makes our civilization inevitable”.

23. “By the longest way is the shortest journey”.

24. “I feel angry, I say nonsense but I cannot cultivate hatred”. 


25. “I am responsible for a gigantic social debt and the need to defend the Amazon, the seas and the great rivers of America”.

26. “Modern man is always in a hurry, because if the economy does not grow, it is a tragedy”.

27. “Politicians must live like the majority and not like the minority”.

28. “There are things that are valuable when they get lost”.

29. “If we were all to consume like the average American, we would need three planets to be able to live”.

30. “We promise you a life of profusion and waste, which in the end constitutes a hefty bill against nature and against future humanity”.

31.  “Politics is the struggle for the happiness of all”

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