34 Incredible Phrases For Self-development And Motivation

34 incredible self-help and self-motivation phrases

Staying motivated as we move towards our dreams is everyone’s job. It can be easy at times, but in others it really costs us, especially when difficulties and obstacles that change our plans arise. Why not use development and motivational phrases for inspiration?

The great figures of history have left the best thoughts as eternal legacies through simple but beautiful phrases of personal development and motivation. As we read them, we can find that spark of inspiration to follow that we fail to measure. What we are sure of is that they will help us get the best version of ourselves.

Incorporating them into our routine will help us learn to listen to our inner voice to get all the strength we need. Therefore, in this article we want to share the best self-improvement and self-motivation phrases that have inspired us. Are you ready?

Grow with the best improvement phrases and personal motivation

“Fall seven times and get up eight times”. (Japanese proverb)

“Success has a simple formula: it gives the best of you and people can love it.” (Sam Ewing)

“Men do not win easy victories, but on the basis of great defeats”. (Sir Ernest Henry Shackleton)

“Fun and action make the hours short.” (William Shakespeare)

First of all, preparation is the key to success ”. (Alexander Graham Bell)

Hand with a key

“There is a motive force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy. This force is will. ”(Anonymous)

“A person with a new idea is a joke until the idea is successful.” (Mark Twain)

“You lose 100% of the shots you don’t use”. (Wayne Gretzky)

Self-confidence is the first secret of success “. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

“Failure is success if we learn from it.” (Malcolm Forbes)

Failure is an opportunity to start over in a smarter way ”. (Henry Ford)

“Failure is not an option. Everyone has the right to be successful. ”(Arnold Schwarzenegger)

“Each test shot brings me closer to the next shot on goal”. (Babe Ruth)

“Don’t sit there for things to come to you. Fight for what you want, take responsibility for yourself. “(Michel Tanus)

“Everything has beauty, but not everyone can see it”. (Confucius)

“Man needs difficulties because they are necessary to savor success”. (APJ Abdul Kalam)

He who doesn’t make mistakes doesn’t try hard enough. ” (Wess Robert)

“It is not worth living a life without studying”. (Socrates)

“The real seeker grows and learns, and finds that he is still primarily responsible for what is happening”. (Jorge Bucay)

“80% of success is to appear”. (Woody Allen)

“Whether you think you can do it or not, either way, you’re right.” (Henry Ford)

“If you have built castles in the air, your work is not lost; Now place the bases under them. ”(George Bernard Shaw)

If you don’t fight for what you want, don’t moan about what you lose. ” (Anonymous)

self-motivated woman

“Winning is not everything, but wanting to win is!” (Vince Lombardi)

“Show me a worker with big dreams. In him you will find a man who can change history. Show me a man without a dream, and in him you will find a simple worker. (James Cash Penny)

“Live life to the fullest focus on the positive.”

“I consider those who overcome their desires more courageous than those who overcome their enemies, for the most difficult victory is the victory over oneself.” (Aristotle)

You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind ”. (Anonymous)

“Your positive actions combined with positive thoughts lead to success”. (Shiv Khera)

“A leader is someone who knows the path, walks it and shows it”. (John C. Maxwell)

“You can say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope one day you will join us and the world will live as one. ”(John Lennon)

Innovation distinguishes a leader from a follower ”. (Steve Jobs)

“I am truly a pragmatic dreamer; my dreams are not trifles in the air. What I want is to turn my dreams into reality. ”(Mahatma Gandhi)

“Do not look for mistakes, look for a remedy”. (Henry Ford)

We hope all of these phrases will be a source of inspiration!

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