4 Strategies To Fight Procrastination

4 strategies to fight procrastination

To stop procrastinating is a matter of changing reasoning and approaching situations. You can see this in Kamal Ravikant’s saying that “ The things I charge are my thoughts. They correspond to my only weight. My thoughts are the ones that determine my condition: am I free and light or annoyed and heavy? “. These four categories for fighting procrastination can help you a lot.

The human being tends to postpone until the next day the realization of the tasks which seem tedious to him, which do not please him, which generate him stress or which seem impossible to him. This behavior is called procrastination. It is generalized conduct that we all adopt at some point.

You have to understand that this is an act of self-sabotage. In addition to rejecting an act that is inevitable, we risk resenting ourselves. This prevents us from fully enjoying other things that make us more happy. For this reason, it is important to change the way you think and act. In order to achieve this, we provide you with some strategies to fight procrastination.


How to fight procrastination

Avoid thinking about the obligation and turn it into pleasure

We can fuel the idea that work is a burdensome obligation that keeps us from doing something much more entertaining. This thought can be so strong that it leads to mental torture. This way of thinking prompts us to identify work as an unpleasant experience from which to move away.

The result is this: We keep postponing tasks because we don’t feel ready and feel like we have to endure a grave. It generates anxiety, anguish, frustration and it contributes to undermining our self-esteem.

Why not ignore the negative just as we ignore the positive? Why not pay attention to the positive as we pay attention to the negative?  It is not easy. Especially when our eyes have been marred for too long.

We really have to find what we like most about our job, recognize the importance of our position, discover new ways to accomplish the tasks we like the most, etc.

Structure with intelligence

Fear of failure, personal doubts, low self-esteem, fear, etc. All of these are psychological factors that lead us to use procrastination. On the other hand, if we achieve our goals, our self-confidence will increase and we will feel stronger when it comes to taking on the tasks that cost us the most.

Also, a good way to fight procrastination is to set goals that don’t require too much effort to achieve. For example, instead of having to lose 10 kilos, it is better to gradually change your eating habits. We can start by increasing the amount of fruit we eat and decreasing the amount of pastries.

Create a space in which you feel good

The place where we work or develop the tasks that cost us the most plays a fundamental role. The more you feel good about it, the less you will resort to procrastination. Organize and change your environment to do the tasks you don’t want in a place you care about. A place that promotes calm, inspiration, concentration, etc. Colors you like, plants, comfortable furniture, frames, no unnecessary trinkets. A tidy place, well lit and ventilated. It all helps a lot.

If you feel comfortable, you’ll want to do things more. Of course, you need to eliminate distractions that keep you from concentrating. Internet, noise, telephone, social networks, etc… are all factors that will help you move away from your goals. Keep them as a reward when you’re done.

get organized to avoid procrastination

Take care of your body

Getting the right amount of sleep, exercising and eating a healthy diet are the three pillars of good health. Taking care of it will allow us to have more energy, to feel better, to be less vulnerable to stress and to be able to count on a solid emotional balance with more support.

Changing your reasoning is possible with these 4 strategies to fight procrastination. You will feel better, more fulfilled. You can do it !


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