5 Signals That It Was Time To Change Jobs

5 signs that it was time to change jobs

The world of work has become very volatile. There are so many  unemployed people that often a poor job is seen as a panacea  for someone who has been unemployed for a long time. It is not uncommon to meet people suffering from such a situation but who never decide to change jobs.

It is also necessary to be very careful in this type of situation. Staying in a job  we hate can sometimes have serious consequences. The mind, of course, is affected by such a situation. The body too. Getting trapped in a daily routine that we reject is something that makes us sick, in the literal sense.

It is usually fear  that keeps us from changing jobs. This fear is so strong that we prefer to waste our lives and our best years doing something we don’t like. The fear, however, is almost always unfounded. Rather, it is a matter of mistrust of our abilities and a somewhat paranoid reading of reality. It is true that finding a new job is not easy, but it is not impossible either.

Perhaps we will face a period of uncertainty when we decide to change jobs. Or maybe we will have to settle for a lower salary. However,  these issues  are much easier to deal with than a job we can’t stand anymore. To know if it was time to change jobs, assess the presence of the following signals:

1. If you’re not getting paid, it’s time to change jobs

It sounds strange to say, but  there are many people  in the world today who work without being paid. They are deceived through supposed training or gigantic trial periods. They are asked to pay for the training and then to work for free until they reach a certain level decided by the employers.


Sometimes employees do not receive their full salary, or suddenly no longer receive it due to financial difficulties. They are asked for time to get up to speed, this informally. Many weeks go by and they never get paid. If that’s the way it is, don’t wait to change jobs.

2. The constant threat of dismissal

Many companies choose to hire and fire their employees permanently. Employees are tied to performance caps, or simply have some type of contract that allows them to be fired at any time.

This type of mechanism only promotes discomfort. Anxiety is constant here. Nobody wants to lose their job, which is why almost everyone becomes extremely manipulable and deceptively efficient. The work environment is often fraught with tension and repressed anger, coupled with fear. Such a job is not worth it. It is better to think about changing jobs.

3. You feel that you have “burned yourself”

Work always involves effort and every once in a while doing things we don’t really enjoy. However,  what should prevail is a taste or interest in what we do. When, on the contrary, we no longer feel any attraction to activities, it may be time to think about changing jobs.

stressed man

It starts with feelings of apathy or reluctance. But the situation can get worse and turn into anxiety, fatigue, depression and illness. We have no reason to prolong cycles that are completed. As drastic as it sounds, it’s time to change the tune.

4. Your work is not valued and you are no longer making progress 

One of the reasons we feel motivated to work is the feedback  we receive. In other words, the recognition of our efforts, our achievements or our capacities.

If you feel that your work is not appreciated, even though you have put everything in place, it may be a good idea to change jobs. If what you do is not valued, it will be difficult for you to advance professionally. And if you don’t make progress, sooner or later you will see your work as a burden, not a way to surpass yourself.

5. You mentally quit your job

Sometimes we get to a point where we mentally disconnect from everything that has to do with work. This manifests itself in the desire to be there as short as possible, in constant distraction and in designing plans that have nothing to do with our work.

overworked woman

It happens in this case we mentally quit our job. The latter no longer tells us anything, and no longer really has its place in our life. N or s carry the habit, fear or necessity, but our mind and heart are already far. It is therefore preferable to assume our reality.

As difficult as it may seem,  it is always better to change jobs on time than to endure all the consequences that can arise from not doing so. We spend a good part of our life working. The least we can hope for is to feel that it is contributing to our growth, not our decline.

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Our thoughts Our thoughts

How do you realize that a job is truly toxic and that it’s time to make changes to get better?

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