5 Tips To Face Difficulties

5 tips for facing difficulties

There are times when everything seems to go wrong, because nothing turns out the way we hope. Things get confused and don’t take place. Nothing consolidates, and everything is confused.

You end up exhausting yourself, and there is nothing you can do to cope with the difficulties. These bad times tend to alter our perspective on events.  We become more sensitive to all that is negative and we can easily fall into pessimism.

During these times, we need to remember five great truths that we tend to forget.

1. Everything passes

Life is a succession of cycles, in which there are moments of light and darkness. Nothing lasts forever. We know it, but we often forget it.

When we are very happy, it seems to us that the future will always be so. On the other hand, when we have difficulties, we have the feeling that it will never stop.

Both perceptions are wrong, because in life sadness and happiness follow one another. In reality, there is neither absolute happiness nor absolute pain. 

White and black rarely prevail. There is almost always a world of different colors, where light and dark mix.

2. Pain is a source of growth 

If everything were easier, we would become fragile and strange beings.  Most likely, under these conditions, we wouldn’t be able to tolerate any difficulty, no matter how small, because we wouldn’t have the tools to deal with it.

Pain, frustration and difficult experiences are the source of growth. When we encounter obstacles, we also encounter challenges. 

Taking on these challenges is part of an evolutionary process, which sooner or later pays off.

3. Complaining and worrying is useless

If you fall into the trap of complaining, in reality you will only get the reinforcement of negative situations in your life.

If you don’t realize it, you will create a mental crust that will trap your creativity and your ability to find solutions.

Getting worried about a problem won’t help you solve it. Rather, it adds a new difficulty to the one you already have.

You will surely act more effectively and with more force if, instead of complaining, you focus on solutions. It’s the smartest thing you can do.

4. Feed patience 

Without a doubt, patience is a virtue which represents a treasure for those who are fortunate enough to have it. Those who succeed in cultivating patience are happier, more intelligent, and more successful.

Everything in life has a process, and it isn’t going to change you just because you want it to. 

Patience helps you to give time to time, and not to fall into despair when the paths appear or are constructed which offer you an exit.

5. Go forward

If no solution appears, after having thought calmly, and tried to solve things thanks to the means in your possession, the best is to put aside what cannot be solved and to move forward. 

Do not fall into the temptation of stagnation, blaming life for what you have not achieved or what you have lost.

If you feel like you are a prisoner without finding a way out, you are likely to become a fierce and bitter person who will move further and further away from peace and happiness.

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