7 Achievements That Give The Impression Of Making You Happy

7 achievements that give the impression of making you happy

Being happy is not a permanent state of pleasure that some privileged people obtain, it is not clear how. Happiness is a conscious position in front of life, a choice. In the 4th century BC, the Greek philosopher Aristotle defined happiness as “

Sometimes we have the feeling that being happy depends on things like luck or material possessions. But this is not the case. Let us not forget that we can be completely unhappy when we have everything and be fully happy with very little.


Make no mistake, money is important, especially when we receive very low sums. But once the vital minimums are reached, the increase in cash flow has very little to do with the satisfaction experienced. Working a lot to earn a lot of money does not increase happiness.

Maybe you think that what brings happiness is the sufficient economic means and the fact that you do not have to face the arduous task of having to go to work every day, and even more if the work is not to be done. your taste. Well, that’s not entirely true because people who win the lottery, once the first emotional moments have passed, don’t feel happier than others.

Have a lot of leisure time

Too much free time and a lack of responsibilities can provoke and intensify a negative state of morale. It is therefore important to find the balance between obligations and rewarding activities. Inner emptiness, boredom, lack of dreams and the absence of the precious feeling of feeling useful lead to a life without satisfaction.

Our morale can be compared to a scale on which excess obligations lie on one side and rewarding activities on the other. Having good morale means that this balance is balanced.

Even when the main source of unhappiness is work, it is more realistic to learn resources and skills to overcome the difficulties experienced rather than to escape the situations that cause the problem.


Professional triumph has not been shown to make us happier. If it occurs suddenly, the person may lose the sense of control over their own existence because they are not able to digest their new experiences, nor the expectations, their own and those of others, that success brings with them. .

Matching the canons imposed from the outside cannot make you happier. However, the success of your aspirations, and your full realization contributes to your happiness.

Dare to savor the success that comes from growing in accordance with your abilities and principles, even if others do not see you as a successful person. There are many differences between the two types of success, and discovering them will help you acquire the tools you need to achieve what really works: the personal and the untransferable.

Social support: happy people have a more satisfying social life

A happy person spends less time alone, has good social relationships with their friends, and is seen as a good person. But what appears first? The egg or the chicken? In other words, do happy people consciously cultivate their social life or are they more attractive and have friends for it? Either way, having a good social support network is very important.

In any crisis, having strong supports acts as a shock absorber. However, it is essential to know how to be alone. Frantic social activity, without moments to cultivate one’s passions and be with oneself, can be a clear obstacle to genuine happiness. It is also a way of avoiding finding yourself with yourself and facing life.

Social position

Aspiring to a higher social position is natural in human beings, but it does not bring happiness. White collar employees and workers are not at all happier than blue collar workers, which confirms that social category has no connection with happiness.

In fact, in a study carried out with children and adolescents, people from lower social classes say they are happier than those from higher social classes, who feel more unhappy. In general, this data is shocking because it is not what you would expect.

Joys and misfortunes

Suffering from many misfortunes prevents us from being happy. Our greatest joys are sometimes the consequence of a relief from our worst fears. In times of war, there are far fewer psychological problems.

During the war, psychiatric and psychological pathologies decrease. A rapid adaptation to survive takes place and the psychological becomes an unreachable luxury.


Women have twice as many emotional problems as men, but also experience more positive and more intense emotions. Thus, there are more mental disorders in women.

The way women and men deal with sadness is quite different. Women talk about it, go to the psychologist, and are more likely to ask for help in general.

So what can we do to be happier?

External factors do not account for more than 15% of the happiness we can enjoy. One of the great rules for being happy is to make a commitment to yourself and your own goals, as well as to find meaning in your own existence, two aspects that can make us grow.

It is therefore clear that neither money, nor position or social status, nor the success or recognition of others will make us happy. Everything that can make us happy comes from within, how we interpret life and how we manage our thoughts.

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