7 Vitamins To Take Care Of Your Brain

7 vitamins to take care of your brain

The brain  is the most important organ in the human body as the body’s  functioning depends on its good performance. When the necessary vitamins and nutrients are not ingested, it is common for us to feel low on energy, tired or irritable. This is a condition that can lead to illness.

In reality, the  p Lupart of us do not know what are the vitamins that our brain needs  to function properly. We generally eat with the digestive system, or our physical appearance, in mind more than this important organ.

1. Beta-carotene, one of the best vitamins

Beta-carotene  is one of the vitamins that should never be lacking in our diet. It is a precursor of vitamin A, hence its name “pro-vitamin A”. Its main contribution is to improve memory and contribute to the preservation of brain cells in the long term.

A beta-carotene deficiency causes serious problems, such as difficulty seeing or stunted growth in children. This vitamin is found in foods such  as carrots and squash. We also find it in fruits such as melon, papaya or mango.

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