9 Phrases You Should Always Tell Your Partner

9 phrases you should always say to your partner

For a relationship to last, it is fundamental that the exchanges take place from affection, understanding and trust.

Sometimes we forget all about it and routine causes us to slack off in the face of showing some proof of love, respect and consideration, which we should never let go of.

In this article, we are going to remind you of the importance of 9 phrases that you should use in your relationship, on a daily basis.

1. “I miss you”

“To experience a lack is not to be empty, but to be filled with thoughts for someone who is present despite his absence…”

Behind this sentence hides a great value. When the people we love say these words, we feel that we are giving them something that only we can give them.

Expressing how much you miss her kisses, her hugs, her smile and her presence is essential to keeping love alive.

2. “How was your day?”

“Indifference is a form of laziness, and laziness is a symptom of disenchantment. No one is lazy with what he loves ”(Aldous Huxley)

It is the way to guarantee a space to share our daily experiences and concerns.

It is not about entering a spiral of complaints or self-aggrandizement every day, it is about giving ourselves the opportunity to express the way we feel, in the face of the true interest of the other. anybody.

3. “Do you remember when…?”

“Many times in life people forget what to remember and remember what they should forget…”

Remembering great moments spent together ensures that the magic is not lost over the years.

In fact, remembering is a good way to generate new good experiences, because it helps to remember how we can feel good together, which unites us.

4. “How can I help you?”

“Don’t look for someone who will solve all your problems, look for someone who will not leave you to face it on your own…”

It’s about finding ways in which we can relieve our partner of frustration and loss of control.

We can offer our help with just an act as simple as asking what can be done.

With this question, your partner understands that he is not alone and that he has a support that he can count on.

In addition, it has the great privilege of showing that this help is sincere and selfless, one of the most reassuring feelings that one can have.

5. “What do you think?”

“When you don’t speak, there are a lot of things that end up being unsaid”. (Catherine Gilbert)

This is what we all too often forget. Both in small and large decisions, both partners of the couple must feel that they are part of it.

It is essential that we are self-reliant and independent, but when we have a relationship and we make a decision, both members have a say.

Additionally, assuming that a decision affects the relationship and everyone in an individual way, sharing opinions keeps the ship of mutual trust and security afloat.

6. “I love (that) about you”

“A bomb makes more noise than a caress, but for each bomb that explodes, there are thousands of caresses that build life”. (Facundo Cabral)

Compliments and praise are an essential part of a relationship. Saying flattering words will make your partner feel loved and appreciated.

It is essential to remind him of everything you love about him, to stroke him, to kiss him and to share intimate moments.

7. “I’m sorry, you’re right”

“The perfect couple is not the one who has no problems, but the one who despite these problems is always together”

When we argue and make mistakes, usually we tend to get a little stubborn and forget that humility and trust are the basis of a good relationship.

Don’t let problems become an internal conflict and try to resolve them as soon as possible, from humility.

Pride has no place in love. Remember that “ forgiveness falls like gentle rain from heaven to earth. Bless whoever gives it and whoever receives it ”.

8. “Please” and “thank you”

“Be thankful for what you have; you will end up having more. If you focus on what you don’t have, you will never have enough. ”(Oprah Winfrey)

There is a huge difference between “ Take out the trash! ”And“ Honey, please take out the trash . ”

The first option gives more room for interpretations and sensibilities, while in the second one perceives affection and understanding.

Speaking affectionately and without reproach is one of the small, everyday things that make us feel good and grow as a couple.

9. “I love you”

“I want to be in a relationship where telling me that you love me is just a ceremonial validation of what you’ve already shown me.” (Steve Maraboli)

These are the two star words. Nothing and no one can deprive them of their great meaning and great symbolism.

These two words mark the beginning of true love, they constitute the recognition of the bond which unites you and the expression of the energy which makes you move forward.

Do not underestimate the power of the everyday, because it is the one that builds your love.

Always remember that loving someone deeply gives us strength, and feeling deeply loved gives us value.

Image courtesy of Wasant

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