6 Motivational Techniques At Work

6 motivation techniques at work

Motivation at work is an important aspect in the development of our professional life. Even if this is an element that should be present from the start, the reality is quite different. Very often, motivation is largely absent. But, good news! In these cases,  we are talking about a psychological element that can improve if we make a few changes. 

Our emotions are linked to the development of our functions in our work; they are also extremely related to motivation. Unfortunately,  there is a high percentage of workers who do not feel fulfilled by the work they are doing. This is undoubtedly one of the factors that penalizes their motivation the most at work.

Motivation techniques at work

The use of permanent motivation techniques at work will allow us to discover the type of positions we desire the most,  how we can match our work and our tastes … And how to make those who work with us be motivated by their tasks.

motivation at work

1. Correctly insert the job at its workstation

A good integration of the employee in his workplace implies an ideal placement according to his knowledge and abilities. The values ​​most appreciated are confidence and autonomy when it comes to working. This autonomy fosters greater involvement and commitment, as well as self-evaluation. It stimulates the ability to seek solutions to everyday problems. In addition, by applying this principle, we give a place to the worker, by creating an emotional environment which favors his development.

2. Establish a good occupational risk prevention plan

The occupational risk prevention plan and health promotion must be part of the company. Not as external actions but as a point of view based on comfort and alleviation of stress levels. Without neglecting hygiene and other factors directly involved in protection against risks. With this principle,  we ensure the health and safety of the worker. We create a safe and comfortable physical environment  for the development of its functions.

3. Show recognition and encourage workers

One of the factors that psychology attributes to good self-esteem, a greater ability to give to others, to offer the best of ourselves, and to love what we do is that of recognition. As social beings, we need others to validate us, recognize us and recognize the fruit of our effort. It is therefore important to recognize a job well done, both individually and collectively.

On the other hand,  incentives well used – if misused, they can have the opposite effect –  can increase a worker’s performance in the job. These incentives may not be directly linked to the economic part. There are a lot of ideas and solutions like discounts, event passes, the possibility of receiving specialized training, etc.

4. Take into account the social benefits of the position

Social benefits consist of a very simple thing: part of the worker’s salary translates into free services and benefits that allow him to face the difficulties of daily life:  medical and dental insurance, pension funds, daycare service, tickets restaurants, school aids, etc.

In fact, many companies, during the crisis years when wages were frozen, implemented a system of social benefits to compensate for the loss of  family status quo  . This type of aid is extremely popular with workers, especially in times of economic difficulty and when access to resources is more limited.

5. Get closer to workers and colleagues

A good leader must know how to be close to his employees to guide them. Should he be concerned with the personal well-being of his employees? This interest must be sincere and must come from relations maintained through trust and proximity. 

colleagues and motivation at work

6. Improve professional performance

Unfortunately, many workers carry out their tasks without having clear goals. They lack tools, do not have planning, or do not receive support from the organization. Therefore, we need to be concerned with what is needed to achieve results. Or we may just wonder what we can do to improve the workspace or the efficiency of their time. These are simple actions that improve the performance of others.

Ultimately, this principle reminds us that people need to feel supported in order to do the job that has been asked of them. By providing them with adequate support, we also give them  feedback  that will allow them to improve and increase their self-efficacy.


Motivation in education
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Understanding the keys to motivation in education enables students to develop skills with confidence.


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