7 Ways To Manipulate Yourself Without You Realizing It

7 ways to manipulate yourself without you realizing it

We all want to influence the behavior of others in one way or another. However, we sometimes reach extremes  where we no longer seek to have influence but to control. It is at this moment that ways are put in place to manipulate you without you realizing it.

These mechanisms are not complex. Most of them correspond to everyday behaviors that go unnoticed. That’s why they’re so problematic: they’re there but you don’t notice them.

In almost all of these mechanisms, one makes use of the contagion or provocation of basic emotions like fear, anger or sympathy. You are manipulated by awakening these feelings and these emotions in you, without there really being any real reason for this awakening. It is therefore good to know these strategies and to identify them. Today we present to you 7 ways to manipulate people. Are you ready to know them?

1. Guilt, a form of silent manipulation

Guilt is an emotion that can become very intense and can cause one to act unreasonably. It creates an unpleasant sensation because it places the individual in front of a code of ethics or customs that he accepts and that they consider important. In other words, it places him in front of himself.

You are manipulated through guilt when you take ownership of the right to judge your behavior and define whether what you are doing is right or wrong. When you do not have personal discernment, it is very easy to fall into this game. In this way, you are able to make you say or do things that are perhaps only beneficial to others but that you do. see yourself as a benefit because they free you from that feeling of guilt.

ways to manipulate you

2. Make you feel insecure

Insecurity is another of those feelings that others often take advantage of to manipulate you. These are situations in which the other detects weak points in your beliefs or in your self-esteem; he therefore decides to take advantage of it.

Negative criticism of what you do or say, ridicule or denigration are ways of manipulating yourself,  thanks to insecurity. It also happens when someone tries to confuse you. People who manipulate you turn your simple mistakes into complex things or make you think they know more than you do. Even on yourself.

3. Awaken the compassion of the other

Some people make victimization their main tool for manipulating others. They present themselves, often without being aware of it, as fragile people or in a state of withdrawal. Through this, they seek to awaken the compassion of the other and create a feeling of guilt.


Positioning yourself as someone who is in constant need of help and consideration from others is a way of manipulating yourself without you realizing it. You end up acting because the other person is hurting you, without realizing that you have fallen into a trap where your attitude is controlled. 

4. Feed narcissism

You don’t always have to believe the compliments you get. Sometimes the intention of people is not to really emphasize your qualities but to flex your defenses and your will  so that you are more manipulable. People who compliment you earn your favor, but often they don’t do it with good intentions.

The best antidote for this is to know yourself well. No one knows your strengths or weaknesses better than you. Thus, these expressions of admiration or praise will not take you by surprise and will not coax you.

5. Intimidate in subtle ways

To intimidate others, there is no need to shout or threaten them. Manipulators are very good at sowing fear in others, often imperceptibly. You just need to subtly point out the dangers of certain behaviors.

You are manipulated, for example, when you are told that you “must” act in a certain way or that you run the risk of experiencing an undesirable situation. Those who manipulate you seem to appeal to your sanity, but deep down they are only trying to condition you through fear.

6. Create false discords

The people who create discord over everything are almost always manipulating you. They are those who, for the slightest thing, get upset and take offense. They end up making others believe that they should be treated in a special way.

These people manipulate  because that way people refrain from complaining to them or telling them something is wrong. Others come to believe that it is they, and not this person, who are responsible for the conflicts. The manipulator always triumphs in the end.

7. Impersonate an idiot

People who pass themselves off as idiots are none other than those who pretend to have a disability when they don’t actually have one. They delegate the hard work to others because they “do it better”. In other words, they give responsibilities to others and are thus quiet because, apparently, “they do everything worse than others”.

couple arguing

People also manipulate you when they try to make you believe that they do not understand what you are saying, that they do not understand the consequences of their actions,  or that they do not feel that they are involved in a problem. They therefore abuse others, almost always with impunity.

All of these ways of manipulating you are harmful, both for you and for those who use them. They only lead to abusive and false links. They should not be tolerated in any case  because nothing good will ever come out of them.


Psychological manipulation techniques to which you could be a victim
Our thoughts Our thoughts

We are talking to you here about people who have perfectly mastered certain manipulation techniques and who use them to disturb us.

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