Don’t Demand From Me What You Can’t Give Me

Don't demand of me what you can't give me

This often happens in couples, but can also happen between parents and children, between friends and in any type of human relationship.

I am talking about this type of situation where one of the parties asks, demands or demands with severity, but when it comes to giving, it is much more reserved and stingy.

These people think they deserve everything for nothing. They also see “the straw in the neighbor’s eye” but not the beam in their eye.

Finally, they are great manipulators who manage to make others believe that they owe them pleasure in exchange for nothing, to the point of making them feel guilty when they don’t.

The links that this type of people establish are purely self-interested. However, they manage so that it is not visible and thus obtain what they ask for.

If you don’t want to fall for this kind of behavior, you need to know five types of situations to avoid.

Don’t ask to be listened to if you don’t know how to listen


This is one of the most common cases: Some people still want to talk and be listened to, but when it comes time to listen to others, they yawn, are distracted or suddenly have no time and time. ‘go.

This happens a lot with parents who want their children to listen to their sermons but don’t take the time to listen to what they are thinking.

It happens in couples, when one of the two becomes the “support” of the other, as if he had adopted him. It happens between friends, between teachers and students, between work colleagues.

Don’t ask to be understood if you can’t understand


This is another very usual situation that arises with the eternally misunderstood, who feel different from others and constantly complain about the indifference of others.

For them, being understood is a right that they naturally have but that others deny them.

Thus, their complaints consist in blaming others, as if the others had an obligation which they did not respect.

They did not understand that understanding is a flower that is cultivated, first in oneself and then in others.

We don’t demand respect, we earn it. And among the many attitudes that a human being possesses, respect is probably the one that most fulfills the principle of fairness.

In other words, the only way to gain respect from others is to respect them and respect yourself.

Respect is sometimes confused with fear or submission. Authority figures tend to “gain respect” through imposition or fear. What they get is exactly what they are looking for.

Don’t demand peace if you sow violence


This is one of the most paradoxical cases. It is made visible in people who while shouting tell others not to shout.

It is very common for the most aggressive people to constantly demand tranquility. Usually they blame others for their violent reactions.

Apparently, they are not in control of their emotions and it is the mistakes of others that cause them to lose control.

These people forget that peace is not outside of us, but that it is built in each of us. They ignore the fact that everyone must work to achieve self-control and autonomy.

If they sowed peace, this is undoubtedly what they would reap.

Don’t ask for perfection if you’re human like everyone else

Some people have overly positive self-esteem. They claim to be a role model for others.

They are almost always psychoactive people who take adherence to standards as the only parameter to value everyone.

Since they themselves respect the established order to the letter, they grant themselves the right to qualify, judge and condemn others.

They don’t understand that what perhaps causes them to be so scrupulous is fear or repression.

They don’t want to see that there are other ways of looking at life. They feel “perfect” without being, because no one is. But this illusion justifies, in their eyes, their requirement for perfection in others.



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