I Allow You To Come Into My Life, But I Don’t Make You Stay There

I allow you to come into my life, but I don't make you stay there

I have learned over the years that people come in and out of our lives. Before, it hurt me to think about this and I was not ready to accept it.

Today, I allow you to come into my life, but I don’t make you stay there. I finally understood that everyone follows their own path .

These paths sometimes meet over long distances, and then separate completely.

There are also paths that constantly meet and separate. Finally, there are paths which never meet again, but which mark for life.

After a while and several disappointments, I closed the doors and avoided everyone who wanted to come into my life. But I discovered one day that I had an emotional lack.

I allow you to come into my life to know your point of view

By letting you into my life, I’m not just filling my address book. I give myself the chance to see life from your point of view.

My perspective is enriched by your experiences, your goals and your dreams. You touch me and you cause a profound change in me.


In return, I offer to bring you everything I have. I cannot give you more because I am limited by my experiences and my history.

It’s a great way to beat depression, regain optimism, and embrace refreshing ideas.

Find out that I still have the capacity to rejoice

Everyone has a special life with unique experiences. Even those who have been through the same thing have a very different perspective. But when I allow you to come into my life, I find new reasons to rejoice.

It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, because somehow you bring surprises with you.

You can become the love of my life, my best friend, or just a friend. You might be someone I only dated for a few months.

What matters is that you have given me hope. The proof is that I think of you.

You allow me to find new opportunities

Another positive thing about letting you into my life is that I see new opportunities. You allow me to make some of my dreams come true.

You might not see it at first glance or believe it, but you have a lot to add to this relationship.

A chance does not present itself twice in a lifetime. Opening the door to you now is therefore the greatest chance it has been given to us. 

I’m aware that it can pull us apart at some point as well, but I believe that as long as it works between us, it’s best to keep going like this.

You complete part of the puzzle of my life

I’m not letting you come into my life because I need a reason to live and to laugh. My life will not revolve around you either, because it is my place.

However, by being by my side, you play several important roles in my life: at the same time the friend, the adviser, the companion, the accomplice, etc.

I’ve learned to live on my own without feeling down or sad, but I’ve also found that I need to find a balance.

I have to learn to enjoy life on my own  and make room for the company you can offer me.


Whether you play the role of friend, partner, son or parent, you complete a part of me.

Therefore, I know that the day you go, you will leave an unfinished void, but for all that we have created together, it will have been worth it.

Even if you disappoint me, it’s worth it

I know letting you into my life is risky . You can be a toxic person who will make me suffer, on purpose or not.

You could also use what I am, what I have and what I can become. These things scare me a little, of course, because no one takes pleasure in suffering.

But I decided to take risks and dare to overcome my fears. I believe that even if you were the worst person, you would have something valuable to contribute, and I’m ready to find out what it is.

So, would you like to come into my life? Will you let me enter yours?


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