What Do The Danes Do To Be So Happy?

What do the Danes do to be so happy?

According to a study, people who live in Denmark are the happiest in the European Union, all countries combined.

The Danes even give this state of happiness a name: they call it “Hygge”. This word has no equivalent in French, but it conveys the idea of ​​a certain personal well-being, of moments shared with the people we love, and of enjoying the time spent at home.

It is not about forgetting the problems that one may have or being overly optimistic, but rather it is about a way of seeing life, of taking advantage of every pleasant situation and of being overly optimistic. ” be less focused on the negative things around us. Adopting “Hygge” means living fully.

Danish recipe for happiness

For Danes, happiness does not depend on climate or geographic location, nor is it related to financial situation or romantic life.

It is possible to enjoy “Hygge” all year round, whether you are single or as a couple, alone at home or surrounded by friends.

The “Hygge” is much more than a specific situation; it’s a way of enjoying all the things you have.


How many times have you thanked heaven, the universe or even God for everything around you? Maybe you don’t have a trendy car, maybe your job is far from “your dream job”, or maybe you just want to be in a relationship.

However, despite everything, there are a lot of things that can make you happy: a vehicle that takes you wherever you want to go, a job that allows you to pay your bills and fill the fridge, or even a group of friends. who is always with you, even in the most difficult times, etc.

“It’s raining”, “it’s too hot”… there is always a good reason to complain or to see the negative side of things.

Danes prefer to see the glass half full rather than half empty and always find a reason to be okay, to smile and to be thankful.

Perhaps you say to yourself that for the Danes, access to happiness is more obvious since in Denmark, economic crises are not raging and there is work.

However, you must also take into account the fact, for example, that in some areas of the country it is so cold in winter that there is no other solution for the people who live there than to spend a large part of the the season locked at home … and that does not prevent them from being happy!

What is the concept of “Hygge” based on?

To begin with, this very frequently used word in Denmark has no equivalent, either in French or in any other language.

If we wanted to get as close as possible to the meaning of “Hygge”, we could speak of “something welcoming” ; read the rest of this article, and you’ll find out why.

Initially, the Danes refer to this concept when they feel good or when they engage in an activity that they enjoy (alone or accompanied); for example, when they are preparing dinner for the whole family, whether they sit down to read a good book comfortably seated in front of the fireplace with a hot cup of coffee, whether they wear a woolen sweater knitted by their grandmother, that they spend the evening watching movies with their friends, that they listen to music while the rain is beating down on the window panes outside …

These situations so common or habitual are the ones that bring us the most joy and have the capacity to comfort the soul. They are not related to material goods in themselves, but to the feeling one feels when enjoying them.

Can I benefit from “Hygge” if I do not live in Denmark?

The answer to this question is a big “yes”… it all depends on your attitude towards the things around you and how you enjoy these little moments of happiness.

The profit lies in the small details, which often cannot be seen or identified because you are too busy, too stressed or too worried.


When you come home tired from your long day at work, kick off your shoes and swap them for comfortable slippers.

If your weekend plans finally fall apart, take the opportunity to spend the day lying on your couch reading this book that due to lack of time you never got to start.

Each time your companion prepares a nice little dish for dinner, thank him / her and savor each ingredient …

We can enjoy a moment of “Hygge” every day and be happy, whatever the time of year we are in, whatever obligations we have to honor, whatever what problems we have or whatever bad news we can get.

A nice hot bath, a cup of your favorite tea, a Sunday morning breakfast in bed, a new pair of socks or a hug from the loved one; just as many reasons to be happy!

So make room for these wonderful situations in your life, as they will help you feel good about yourself and radiate peace and wholeness without you needing to move to Copenhagen or any other place. another city in Denmark.

We invite you to enjoy your “Hygge” moments every day, because it is always possible for us to enjoy the little things in life.

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