Psychological Beauty Charms Our Senses

Psychological beauty charms our senses

Physical beauty is not everything. In fact, the weight of physical beauty has in our emotions a clear and fleeting objective: passion.

However, psychological beauty is something that goes beyond appearances: it is through it that we fall in love, and only through it that we expose ourselves.

Because emotional exposure is only possible when one speaks the language of affectivity.

Our hearts open and our fears fade when we surround ourselves with good people who pollinate truth, sincerity, and intimate affection in the relationship.

Psychological beauty is what makes us fall in love in an authentic way, which opens our minds and our hearts. It consolidates and aims for a love without dependence, pure, full and sincere.

Beyond the needs which are based on selfishness, a psychological beauty invites to the stripping, to the caresses of the soul to the soul, to tenderness, to dreams, to the harmony of desires, to protection of self-esteem, seeing oneself covered with affection.


The best gift you can receive: psychological beauty

The gifts that one receives through psychological beauty consolidate a sincere, healthy and eloquent attachment.

Because what is beautiful is not what pleases the eyes, but what feeds our emotions and our senses.

On this subject, Virginia Satir had some very nice words:

“I believe that the greatest gift anyone can give me is for them to look at me, listen to me, understand me and touch me.
Just as the best gift that I can in turn offer this person is to see them, to listen to them, to understand them and to touch them. It is then that I will be able to feel that contact has been established between us. ”

So, working on the psychological beauty of our relationships and infusing our reality with that beauty requires us to listen, connect and know our emotional baggage.

It is essential to help the other to discover his fears, to overcome his insecurity and to achieve his successes.


It is essential that we reflect in ourselves the same essence that we would like to capture in others.


Some key elements that lead us to a great relationship

There is no secret ; we are happier when we surround ourselves with people who love us.

Sometimes we forget about ourselves and find ourselves immersed in harmful relationships that poison our lives.

That is why it is important to keep in mind these:

  • Confidence and confidence in oneself and in others: true intimacy can only be achieved through complicity and good communication. If we tear down our walls and barriers, then we will feel better with ourselves and with those around us.
  • Avoid judgments, live far from mockery, irony and hypocrisy: psychological beauty only includes humility and respect.
  • Taking our time to build emotions is the basis of our home and, therefore, of ourselves.

A psychologically beautiful person is:

  • A person who takes care of the other, who does not judge him, who does not punish him, who does not seek to hurt him.
  • A person who gets closer to those who need it, who seeks to establish a complicit intimacy with them.
  • A person who reformulates thoughts that hurt, who re-conceptualizes the negative, who learns from others, who seeks to be better, who masters a sincere internal language.
  • A person who bares himself, who opens up, who reveals things about himself, who takes care of the structure of his relationships, who feeds sincere affection.

A psychologically beautiful person is not only an ideal that we all strive to have by our side, but it is also the image of ourselves that we all aspire to.

This is why, undoubtedly, psychological beauty must be the priority in front of the mirror, because only in this way will we be able to read our eyes with the language of the heart.

Because only in this way will we create important, sincere and lasting relationships that will allow us to be happy.

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