5 Sentences From Nikola Tesla, A Very Talented Inventor

Discover here Nikola Tesla’s best quotes about the world and about life in order to learn more about this inventor, a genius who, despite his innate talent, was forgotten by the scientific community and died alone in his bedroom. hotel.
5 quotes from Nikola Tesla, a talented inventor

Reading quotes from Nikola Tesla reminds us of the importance of ingenuity, imagination, creativity and perseverance. Unfortunately, in his day, the entrepreneurial and advanced spirit of this talented inventor did not receive the recognition it deserved.

You are most likely familiar with Tesla cars, modern and popular cars. We owe this name to the creator of these cars, Elon Musk. This famous entrepreneur admires Nikola Tesla so much that he named his car company Tesla, which revolutionized the world.

Yet Nikola Tesla died alone in his hotel room. His name was not claimed until decades later. When he was alive, economic ambition did not accompany his genius and creativity, hence the fact that, despite his technological inventions, which are among the most courageous and important inventions on a global scale, Nikola Tesla has never been recognized for his ingenuity and talent.

Nikola Tesla’s phrases are a legacy of his ingenuity. This talented scientist discovered magnetic resonance, radio, x-rays and even remote control.

His notes and remarks are believed to be so important and contain such impressive creations that the United States government claimed them for safe keeping.

Fortunately, when he was alive, Nikola Tesla showed us his ingenuity beyond his inventions. The result of its opposition to the scientific community of the time (late 19th century and early 20th century) are reflections that are perfectly adaptable to our time. Discover here some of these thoughts, another kind of legacy left by Nikola Tesla.

1. Life as seen by Nikola Tesla

A statue of Nikola Tesla


Nikola Tesla, with this sentence, shows us his scientific mind. He compares life with movement, but also with mathematics. Nikola Tesla reveals to us that there are factors we can recognize but never fully understand.

It seems Nikola Tesla is telling us that it is not good to sit idly by and do nothing, that it is better to explore new horizons.

2. The past and the present as seen by Nikola Tesla

This quote from Nikola Tesla deserves to be framed for every generation to examine. It could be perfect if we associate it with what lived certain scientists such as Galileo or Nicolas Copernicus.

His research and his discoveries are grandiose, but they have been condemned and suppressed. They are today vital for our understanding of the world. We could say the same thing about the misunderstanding of Nikola Tesla in his time, when he is today considered a great genius of science.


3. The discovery

It is undoubtedly human … We love discoveries and new sensations: we are curious beings by nature.

However, these discoveries and new sensations tend to quickly become uninteresting routines for which we show a certain indifference.

4. Inside and outside

This sentence is one of the most precious sentences left by Nikola Tesla, one of those sentences that never lose their value and are always in tune with the times.

Many of us see everything that is happening around us without actually understanding what is going on inside of us. It might be best to start by getting to know yourself before judging others.

5. Development as seen by Nikola Tesla

A creative young boy

For Tesla, using the brain creatively was a very important task. He felt that the Universe was filled with opportunities from which we could learn so much. Therefore, for Tesla, the evolution of the human being depended to a great extent on his creativity, on his capacity to invent.

Right now, this phrase is more important than ever. Creativity is a much desired ability or skill in all areas of life. Moreover, thanks to this capacity, today we can take advantage of many advances and great comfort.

With these sentences we can see that Nikolas Tesla was a real creative genius.

But this talented scientist possessed something else, a vitally important characteristic, his ability to look inside himself and to know the people around him.


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