The 9 Signals To Recognize A Narcissist

Adorable, seductive and inspiring confidence … So the narcissists show themselves at first sight. However, little by little they reveal their intentions: to make others feel inferior. Learn to identify them.
The 9 signals to recognize a narcissist

Narcissistic personality disorder, also known as megalomania, is a pathological condition characterized by overdeveloped and pervasive self-esteem. As well as a lack of empathy towards others. A narcissist believes himself to be better than others in all aspects.

In our daily life, we can be confronted with people of this type. For this reason, it is important to know how to identify them in order to avoid them. That said, building a relationship with a narcissist can be a rewarding experience at first. However, later the person will reveal his true intentions: to make others feel inferior and to take advantage of those around him.

According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders of the American Psychiatric Association, narcissism can be identified by different signals. These can help you recognize a pathological narcissist and avoid an abusive relationship.

Signs to recognize a narcissist

1. Size

Greatness is feeling superior to others. From a narcissist’s perspective, all of their achievements and abilities are superior. In this way, he regards those around him as inferior. Narcissists generally talk and act as if they are the most important people on planet Earth.

2. Concern for success and power

These narcissistic people have a great concern for how to achieve success in their life. This assumes that their greatest fantasies involve achieving success and gaining unlimited power, reasoning genius, and exuberant beauty.

the narcissist: power and success

3. Certainty of being unique

Narcissists consider themselves unique, irreplaceable and unmatched. It pushes them to build relationships with other people who prove they are special. In fact, narcissists believe that few people can understand them or have things in common with them.

4. Belief in the right to preferential treatment

Narcissists love to be treated in a special way. They demand to have privileges, they consider that they deserve to be treated in the best way. They are special and for this reason they must be treated properly. For this same reason, a narcissist cannot be contradicted or criticized.

5. Requirement of excessive admiration

Narcissists are pretentious and for that, they demand to be admired constantly and everywhere. Narcissists hope to be considered and admired by others. They are constantly looking for special treatment from others, without considering whether they deserve it or not.

6. Jealousy towards others

Narcissists are generally very jealous of people who are better in some way. It can be open or hidden envy. Also, they always consider others to be jealous of their abilities and personal successes.

7. Lack of empathy

One of the most notable characteristics of the narcissist is their inability to empathize with someone. He is usually unable to identify with the feelings and needs of others. They are therefore people incapable of loving, who have no remorse and no sense of guilt or regret for their negative actions.

8. Exploitation of others for personal gain

Narcissists often take advantage of others to achieve their personal goals. They do this by manipulating others to use their resources, ideas, time and contacts to achieve their own goals. For this reason, every narcissist is a controller who manipulates in all situations and who manipulates everyone in their favor. And this, regardless of the consequences.

9. Arrogance and domination

Any narcissist is arrogant and dominant towards those around him. For a narcissist, everything he does or says is fine. It must therefore be taken into account and accepted without any doubt. This attitude causes narcissists to impose their ideas on others.

the narcissist is an arrogant person

The importance of recognizing narcissists

With these nine signals, you can recognize a narcissist and therefore avoid or limit establishing a relationship with him. 

It is very important to know how to recognize a pathological narcissist so as not to fall into his traps by establishing a relationship with him. By avoiding this type of relationship, you avoid being manipulated and emotionally abused since these people like to abuse others in order to feel powerful.


The faces of narcissism
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Did you know that there are different types of narcissism and that each has a very special characteristic? We tell you more about it here!

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