When Impulsiveness Destroys You

When impulsiveness destroys you

It would seem that impulsiveness has no positive aspects. Being impulsive can put you and those around you at risk.

Since this is an unconscious act, later on you will regret your actions and words, but you will not be able to go back.

Thus, it is extremely important to learn to control your impulses and to think a little more.

If you react quickly to a small remark, if you are asked a question and you answer the first thing that comes to your mind, if you are always the first to initiate a discussion, if something happens. go wrong you throw things on the ground or you start screaming like a child, you may have a problem with impulsivity.

Don’t panic, because everything has a solution. First of all, it is necessary to understand well that the fact of being impulsive from time to time is not something negative, because impulsivity can sometimes help you to get out of shyness and introversion, to get what you want and to be heard.

However, the problem arises when impulsivity becomes everyday and is no longer punctual.

There are different types of impulsive and compulsive people. This article aims to discuss other ways to channel your emotions and respond appropriately, to bring out your rage, anger or grief if something doesn’t go as planned or when you don’t know how. face a problem.


The way we express ourselves allows us to convey a lot of information, and words and gestures can sometimes hurt. You may not have meant to do it wrong, but it did.

If you are the type to throw the first stone, to answer before having properly analyzed the situation, to get angry or to fight; if you are obsessed with anger and when you are angry all you think about is hurting, revenge and screaming… Be careful, impulsivity can play tricks on you.

Do not look for excuses such as: “I am stressed”, “I acted without thinking”, “I have a lot of problems at the moment”, “I am struggling with the economic crisis”, “I am impulsive to nature ”,“ I have my period ”, etc. Face the situation and accept that you have an impulsivity problem. This is the first step.

Then comes the time to act, not to react. This means that if your first will when faced with something you don’t like is to counterattack, you better wait.

The technique of counting to ten (or twenty, thirty, a hundred…) or that of deep breaths may work for you. You can use this to avoid saying the first thing that comes to your mind, as it usually isn’t the best practice.

Sometimes just letting a few seconds go by doesn’t mean you want to end the conversation or didn’t understand something, but it just takes time to analyze the information. You might think it’s better to react faster than light, but it’s not.

When you can put things in perspective, everything will be clearer. When you take the time to analyze the words used by others and by yourself, you will get better results.

If you prevent impulsiveness from taking over your words or actions, you will be more predisposed. Likewise, if you think before you act or measure your words, then you will come to your destination.

Here is a little sentence to end, hoping it will make you think about it all:

Always think about what you are going to do before you act. Don’t let impulsiveness dominate you or your path fill with darkness ”.

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