If You Love Me, Show It To Me

If you love me, show it to me

If you love me, show it to me, but not in words; with deeds. These beautiful words which come out of your mouth for the pleasure of my ears are of no use to me. Don’t try to fool me . If you really love me, show it to me with deeds.

In the world of the couple, or rather the illusions of the couple, disappointments and disillusions are more and more frequent; indeed, we establish our relations very quickly, without waiting to see if the person is really as he is. As a result, you get the wrong idea about her, and over time, you discover her true face.

I’m waiting for something that even in time will never happen

Let’s not forget that in the first moments of a relationship, love makes you blind. The fact that this person is part of our life deludes us so much that we forget to see them as they really are. Without even wanting to or being aware of it, we see things as we want to see them, and not as they really are.

Obviously, at this stage of the relationship, there is nothing to demonstrate; everything is beautiful, we need to see the other and spend time with him, we want to get to know better, and this fills us with illusions, but can also in the long run become dangerous if we stay too long on our little cloud.


Obviously, in the beginnings of a relationship, people show themselves in their best face. It doesn’t mean that they are lying, but in any case, perhaps they somehow fix their way of being. This caring person who cares about your well-being is suddenly much more neglectful. Has she changed? Has she never as you think she is?

If you love her, show it to her with deeds, not just words. Only then can words take on the value they really deserve. 

In reality, no one in the couple is wrong: you, for your part, may have deluded yourself and built up unreal expectations about this person with whom you wanted to share your life. Your companion may have resorted to certain techniques in order to capture your attention which, over time, then disappeared.

Remember, when you know someone, our goal is for them to pay attention. If from the start, unease sets in, it will be impossible to establish a relationship. This is why, over time, it is not that people change, but that they no longer have the motivation to give the best of themselves, and therefore to keep the flame alive.

This feeling of appeasement that we feel after having succeeded in being with the person we love only happens over the years, we no longer do everything in our power to stay in love every day. The expressions of affection are less frequent, and the sweet words empty of meaning. It’s all just a habit.

However, love is shown with deeds, not with empty words. That brushing of hands, that heartfelt kiss given for no particular reason, can show members of a relationship whether affection and desire is still there or not. And take into account that all of this engages you as well as your companion.


If over the years you have been disappointed because your partner has changed, think about it and try to see the situation from a different perspective, with hindsight. Maybe you made a picture of him / her that wasn’t real. All relationships change over time. The routine, the moments together, the problems; everything has an influence.

The solution is simple: communication. It is necessary to talk about this situation, to understand if you have moved away from each other, what could have happened so that the gestures of affection that you show to the other are no longer the same. Sometimes, one can be ashamed to broach the subject, perhaps because it was passed over in silence for a long timeā€¦ however, to put words about it, it is absolutely necessary.

Imagine that tomorrow the person next to you forgets you. Would you be ready to still love her every day of your life?

It is also important that you take a step back from your relationship, and that you can see how it is progressing from a different perspective. Sometimes, we are not aware of the fact that we have been disappointed by this person who today no longer respects us, mistreats us psychologically, and treats us with indifference. All of this happens because this illusory past is still vivid in our minds.


Obviously, over time, relationships and people change, which is why we have to talk about the relationship and try to find what we liked about this person who is by our side. We must not let go, nothing is certain, and we must redouble our efforts; why not maintain this attitude throughout our life?

Never forget it, if you love me, show it to me, but in words that are based on sincere and real deeds.

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