Deceive Yourself Again

Illusion again

Illusion is “the spark of life”; without it, life loses its color, everything becomes monotonous and nothing makes sense.

Finding the illusion or deluding yourself again involves finding the latter, and getting out of the apathetic moment in which you live.

Illusion makes every moment of life special and unique.

On the other hand, living with illusion allows us to anticipate the desired moment, since it motivates us to visualize, project and desire what we want to live, so that we can enjoy it beforehand. even that happens.


“Don’t reject your dreams. Without illusion, what would the world be? ”

-Ramón de Campoamor-

Where does the illusion reside?

The illusion lies in these moments of life which bring us closer to our projects.

It is about wanting to achieve something and putting all our energy into it.

Illusion is that inner feeling that allows us to enjoy before our desire is satisfied. You can foster the “spark of life” if you plan to do it every day.


The illusion resides in us and in the way we do things.

We can live our daily life in a monotonous way, without desire, with routine, automatically, and without illusion of living.

But we can also consider living each moment as if it were unique, by putting all our desire, our joy, all our illusion into it, because we know that we are closer to achieving what we want to achieve. .

We could say that the illusion lies in having goals, desires and projects that are realistic and achievable, so that we will live each moment intensely, with the illusion of arriving there, enjoying it from the start. start.

The illusion of children

Do you remember your childhood? The latter is linked to illusion, and this is no coincidence.

In childhood, we believe that anything is possible, we delude ourselves when a friend plans to come to us, when we write our letter to Santa Claus, etc …

The illusion allows the little ones to live intensely every moment of their innocent childhood.

In adulthood, we discover that ultimately everything is not possible, that things are not as we want them to be.

Therefore, the illusion is lost and dissipated between disappointments, problems, frustrations and suffering.


“My greatest illusion is to continue to have illusions”

-Jose Narosky-

The lost illusion

In adulthood, we discover real life, which is not as fair as we thought when we were children.

We run the risk of losing the illusion of childhood, and with it, the ability to enjoy every moment, since we do not have confidence in our ability to carry out our projects and realize our desires.

We will then live with the sweet and sour flavor of disappointments and problems, as we lose all hope that there can be anything more.

Our illusion was lost between disgust and disappointment …

Life with illusion

However, life has much more to offer us, much more to surprise us.

we just have to believe it; we have to delude ourselves with the little things of everyday life.

If we find our desires, our projects, and our dreams in the little things in life, it will certainly not be difficult to deceive ourselves again.

And life will give us satisfied desires, fulfilled projects and dreams, for the simple reason that we have believed in them and that we will have put all our energy into them to get there.

Life, with illusion, is a life full of good times, small moments that are worth living, because they fill us with satisfaction and happiness, even if there are other less happy times as well.


By living with illusion, life becomes a sum of small moments that bring us closer to desired moments.

Bad times are also necessary to move forward in a worthwhile life; in other words, the one we are projecting at every moment.


“While the heart craves, the imagination retains illusions.”

-François-René de Chateaubriand-

Rediscover the illusion

To find the illusion, we offer you a series of steps:

  • Strongly desire a project, a dream, a goal that gives meaning to your life.
  • Every morning, remember that it is worth living in the present moment, because you are getting closer and closer to the project you want to achieve in your life.
  • Live every moment with the same illusion as when you were a child, expressing it to those around you, making the most of what you are going through today, learning, enjoying and feeling that you are on your way. to achieve what you plan to achieve.
  • Thank life for every moment that you are offered to live, be it good or bad, because all of them make us learn and improve in life, and that too is part of the life you desire to live.
  • Illusion yourself, be moved, surprise yourself for whatever happens, life continues to be magical like when you were little, you only have to want it to be so and feel it, and that is when you will find yourself again the illusion of childhood, with the maturity of the adult.

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