I Love That You Keep Your Promises

I like that you keep your promises

We all need two basic dimensions to be happy: trust and security. Neither can be achieved if in our most important relationships we cannot find gratitude and sincerity.

However, some dating experts, like Marianne Dainton of La Salle University in Philadelphia, tell us that there are times when lies and omissions are necessary to maintain a balance in our relationships, and to protect the being. loved.

Although this claim is scientifically proven, it is not supported by everyone.

We all demand sincerity in our daily lives, because it takes courage, and we want to be with courageous people.

We ask others to speak the truth and do what they say, so that we can offer our hearts back to them with the same sincerity and integrity.

Obviously we don’t like to be deceived, and we don’t like to be lied to. Half-truths, even if they start from a good feeling, are nonetheless half-lies, which aggravate the lack of confidence that may have established in a relationship.

It is of course not obligatory to tell our partner everything we think or do. Not every personal opinion has to be expressed. It is essential to keep an inviolable personal space.

The key is not to hide anything important, and to be sincere in the objective of building a solid relationship, to create and maintain a link, to strengthen a life project and give real strength to the relationship. We invite you to reflect with us on this subject.

Sincerity is the key to happiness


When defining the recipes for happiness in a couple, it is quite common to hear about respect, communication, empathy, complicity, etc.

However, it is clear that many relationships end not for lack of love, but rather for lack of sincerity.

We do not ask others to fulfill all of our dreams, we do not desire idealized love, but rather a real, conscious and mature relationship, based on reciprocity, and in which everyone is a winner. Sincerity should be the only appropriate language in a relationship.

The person who shares your life does so because they love you. Her world only makes sense because she met you. She is ready to do anything to make you happy. So it’s worth doing the same, and doing it with the utmost sincerity.

Sincerity makes the other person feel good, but it also promotes a sense of internal tranquility in the one who shows it. This balance is an important parameter of the reciprocity that must be established between two people who love each other.

What happens when there is a lack of sincerity in a relationship?

  • A distance sets up between people. Lack of sincerity always ends up generating, sooner or later, mutual incomprehension and suffering.
  • A lot of times we don’t need to lie to our partner. Most of the time, we are simply faced with ineffective communication.
    Not knowing how to express your needs, not taking the risk or not finding the right way to do it can lead to distance, blame and a breakup.
  • Thoughts that are obscured, truths that are not told, opinions that are repressed and feelings that are retained will gradually transform into negative feelings that generate dissatisfaction and frustration.
I love that

Promises only leave traces when they are kept

Are you one of the people who keep their word? If not, keep in mind that you are causing pain in others, but if you do, you will feel much more whole and happy in your day-to-day life.

In this life, few people are tired of loving. On the other hand, the fact of waiting, having to listen to promises that will never be kept, and hearing false excuses all the time is something that can tire very quickly.

When we end a relationship with someone, everyone has the same feeling of emptiness, because not everything we dreamed of has come true.

Our hopes are dashed and our heart must heal its wounds. There is nothing more painful than realizing that you have been living in a false dream for many years.

  • No one can live only through beautiful words and flowery phrases that have the flavor of dreams. The wait for results turns into disappointment and then into a very negative reaction.
  • If great promises are often made in moments of joy or great intimacy, it is in everyday life that we must respect all our commitments.
  • Words are only words, and promises are just nicely spelled sentences. Only facts can verify the strength of someone’s commitment.

Images by M. Carretero, Anne Soline, Arthur Clark

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