Quiet People: Inner Calm In A World Of Noise

Quiet people: inner calm in a world of noise

Quiet people are that baffling point of balance in a hectic world. Their serene gaze, their correct manners and their feet on the ground normally arouse the curiosity of others. Some believe that they are shy people when in reality what this profile draws is a good attitude towards life and a well-worked inner calm.

Albert Einstein rightly said that the monotony and loneliness of a quiet life is what gives impetus to the creative mind. However, curious as it may seem, this calm image is still misunderstood in our society. This is what Susain Cain reminds us of, for example, in her books on the quiet and / or introverted personality.

Thus, it is very usual that this student who, in the classroom, is always serene, peaceful and silent, is perceived as a shy child, withdrawn and lacking in initiative. They are “personalityless” children, some teachers sometimes lightly say.  In our society, we give more importance to those who participate, make noise and make their voice heard.
However, it must be said that there are no “better” personalities. Or worse. Nothing is as enriching in this world as this broad spectrum of attitudes and behaviors displayed by human beings. Each of us, in our own way, can bring exceptional things to our reality. Although it is true that  we need mutual understanding and, above all, to be aware of the treasure that lies behind each psychological profile.
man on a rock who is a quiet person

The brains of quiet people

The brains of quiet people work in a different way. This idea may arouse the curiosity of many people, but it must be said that it is not new. In the 1960s, the famous personality psychologist Hans Eysenck introduced the term cerebral arousal threshold. This concept was used to explain why the most peaceful people are so different from this profile more extroverted and / or open to experiences, risks, challenges …

Thus, studies such as the one carried out in 2012 at Harvard University support this same hypothesis. Now let’s see what it explains to us and what it is based on:

  •  Extroverted people need a higher level of dopamine in order to experience well-being and happiness. This is why they seek to experience new sensations or to have frequent social contact: they want to reach this level, this threshold of well-being.
  • In the case of quiet people, the reverse happens. They find well-being in the right level of dopamine. When they cross this threshold of equilibrium, they experience anxiety, pressure and exhaustion. Quiet situations characterized by social and sensory harmony are those that give them the most satisfaction.
  • In addition, structural differences in the prefrontal cortex of quiet people have been observed. They have more gray matter. This is linked to abstract thinking, which shows that  this type of profile is more prone to reflection and introspection.
neurons in the brain

Habits of quiet people

Just because someone is quiet doesn’t mean they are happier, knowledgeable, or intelligent than someone who is more worried, nervous, or extroverted. It just means that she sees the world in a different way. That she relates to her surroundings in a different way and that her daily habits are a little different. Understanding this point and being sensitive to this profile will undoubtedly allow us to better understand these people and, why not, to imitate one of their points of view if we deem it beneficial.

Characteristics of quiet people

  • They appreciate solitude. They know that this lonely path is the best way to self-knowledge. It is this place where they can awaken their creativity, measure their fears against their potential and adjust new goals on the horizon.
  • They are selective. Quiet people know very well what works for them, what bothers them and what is best to leave out. They therefore choose their relationships and the people they love in life.
  • You shouldn’t take anything personally. Those who are obsessed with disagreements, conflicts or failures suffer. You have to know how to put things into perspective, establish a healthy distance between yourself and others and understand that everything in this life is a process. The important thing is to keep moving forward as lightly as possible.
quiet people
  • See, listen, smell, learn…  Nothing is as rewarding as connecting to our reality with all of our senses. Quiet people have a serene attitude, but deep down they are dying to sense sensations and learn. However, their ideal learning channel starts with silence. With that gaze that knows how to observe, with those ears that listen attentively, distinguishing sounds from a simple noise …
  • We live better by living slowly. In a world full of turmoil, quiet people are the only ones who don’t hurry. Because they know very well where they are going. They know each other well enough to know what their rhythm is, when their break time is, what their music is, and what is the best path to achieve certain goals or objectives. The daily experience in a relaxed way has, for this type of people, a greater flavor.

To conclude, let’s not underestimate the power that can have people who are quiet, with a more serene attitude … With their inner calm and their charisma, they can teach us great things. Sometimes the greatest revolutions start from silence.


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