Attention, Live Every Day Of Your Life!

Attention, live every day of your life!

β€œ It’s your life. Do what you love, and do it often. If you don’t like something, change it. If you don’t like your job, give it up.

If you don’t have enough time for yourself, stop watching TV. If you’re looking for the love of your life, stop right now; it will come when you do the things you really love.

Stop analyzing everything, life is simple. All the emotions are fantastic. When you eat, enjoy every bite.

Open your mind, arms and heart to new things and people; we are united by our differences. Ask the next person you see what their passion is, and share an inspiring dream with them.

Don’t hesitate to travel; losing you will help you. Some opportunities only come once, so grab them. Life is the people you know, and the things you create with those people.

Go far, and start to create. Life is short. Live your dreams, and carry out your passion. β€œ

Manifiesto Holstee

Life is so short that we can’t afford to wait for the things we love to come to us; we have to fly towards them. Because in the end, what counts are not the years of life, but the life of the years.

There is a huge difference between knowing the path and walking it. There are many who know or believe they know the path to be taken, but on the other hand, few who seize the opportunity to take it.

Grow up, study, find the love of your life, get married, have children, work to keep them moving forward, have wonderful grandchildren and wait for your life to fall asleep.

Does this really apply to all of us? Is this really what we all want?

It’s hard for me to believe it. If we ask a player what is the best way to play, they will tell us that there is none.

Everything depends on the moment, its situation as well as that of the opponent, the stake of the game and the environment. The same goes for life.

Don’t waste your time it’s relative

We are the here and the now, and that is what matters. Time is life, and you don’t know how much you have left.

Some of us try at one point or another to find meaning in our lives. What we don’t think about is that living  is its only meaning. Really, there is no point in programming life or wasting it wondering what its meaning is.

The meaning of life does not matter, since to live is to be free. Nothing and no one should tell you what to do or feel, ever. Ignore anyone who tries to dictate your life, because the only thing that sets you free is to live your way.

Living freely also has a price that we cannot escape: responsibility.

Remember that your freedom ends where the freedom of others begins. Never do harm for free. Explore your values ​​and put them into practice.

Laugh when you feel like laughing, and cry when you need to, because life has no limits for you. Change what you want to change even if it involves the risk of failure.

Some times we win, and other times we learn ; if you don’t get what you want, at least you will have armed yourself to make it happen.

You don’t wait to reach the top to admire the view ; there is something beautiful about all the positions. Every point on our journey can become a dream, even when we think we are in the middle of a terrible nightmare.

Don’t be afraid to dream, the mind travels freely

Remember one thing: society is selfish; don’t expect others to value what you do or don’t do. Believe in yourself and in what you are building.

Don’t build castles in Spain, don’t sell air. Appreciate what you have, and don’t overly covet what you don’t have.

In life, being happy is always having something to do, someone to love, and something to look forward to. Use your passion with every step you take, love yourself, cultivate new loves, but above all, review your priorities.

Dare to live your own life, because the greatest danger is not to live it.

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