3 Great Historical Love Stories

3 great historical love stories

Love is always a bit magical, no matter what. Love changes everything, and fills everything with poetry. He transforms lovers. It is as if it gives us wings and regenerates our strength with a special vitamin, a characteristic. To prove to you its power to bewitch hearts, in this article we present to you the story of three unforgettable romantic relationships.

We’re talking to you here about those relationships that, for one reason or another, have been extraordinary. The lovers then had to overcome gigantic obstacles or succumb to them. They have remained faithful to this love, despite the adversities. This is why these romantic relationships have gone down in history.

These great historical love stories are plentiful, but in this article we want to tell you about three of them, brave and supportive lovers, who have stayed together despite everything. They are real proof that love is a force with enormous power.

1. Manuela and Bolivar, one of the most beautiful romantic relationships in history

Manuela Saenz was a woman who had everything she could want. She came from a wealthy family and was married to an Englishman who adored her. She was young, beautiful and one of the most respected figures in the city of Quito (Ecuador). The day her province gained independence, Manuela’s life changed forever. There was a ball, where she met a man she will love until his death: Simon Bolivar.

manuela and bolivar

Manuela left her husband, her land and her comfort to follow the Liberator. He also fell in love with her. He called her “My lovely fool” . She followed him into the barracks and fought against the Creole army, which earned him the rank of captain.

However, what made this couple one of the greatest love stories was Manuela’s brave act in what is called the “September conspiracy”; Bolivar’s enemies tried to kill him. Manuela then faced them sword in hand, allowing Bolivar to escape. This woman has gone down in history as “the liberator of the Liberator”.

2. Abélard and Héloïse

Abélard and Héloïse also wrote one of the greatest love stories in history. Pierre Abélard was one of the wisest men of his time. He was a philosopher and theologist, but that is not why he is still remembered today; what made her famous was her tumultuous relationship with Héloïse, who was considered one of the most illustrious women of her time. He was her master when she was barely 16 years old.

The two fell head over heels in love and she got pregnant, something unusual at that time. Abelard kidnapped her to take her to his sister’s house. It was there that “Astrolabe” was born, which remained the responsibility of the parents. They then married in secret, so as not to spoil the canon career of Abelard. Heloise’s guardian uncle reprimanded her for her refusal to publicly accept the marriage. He even hit her several times.

Abélard led Heloise to a religious order to protect her from her uncle. The latter, furious, cast Abelard. The two lovers are never seen again. However, they never lost contact and maintained an epistolary relationship. The letters they exchanged are considered to be one of the greatest works of French literature. In the 19th century, they were buried in Paris, in the same tomb.

3. Edward VIII and Wally Simpson

Edward VIII and Wally Simpson; this is another of the greatest love stories. This relationship gained worldwide fame because Edward VIII renounced the throne of England in order to be able to marry Wally Simpson. Many saw them as the most romantic lovers of the twentieth century, while others saw them instead as an unimportant romance.

The English have never forgiven the sovereign for making this decision. Great romantic relationships sometimes engage in more practical matters, such as power. It was 1936, and Europe was almost at war. Edward VIII was known to be temperamental and weak. Churchill even went so far as to say that the whole of the UK should thank Wally Simpson for freeing the country from the worst king he had ever been.

The heir to the crown fell head over heels in love with her, and he gave up everything to be by her side. What followed was disconcerting. The couple led a totally frivolous life, from party to party, from trip to trip. The more she humiliated him, the more he loved her. He put up with everything, even his brazen infidelities.

Surely there are many relationships which have not gone down in history, but which nevertheless deserved it. The strength of a great love is that it is superior to everything. In that sense, its protagonists are lucky, however strong the price may be.


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Love sometimes gives us a lot of nostalgia. What could be better than a film to allow us to relive these feelings?

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