The World Needs People Who Love What They Do

The world needs people who love what they do

“The only way to do a great job is to love what you do”.

(Steve Jobs)

The world needs people who love what they do. He needs daydreams and bright, endless desires. 

He needs radiant hope, living love and permanent honesty.

The world needs people whose eyes shine because they are happy to devote themselves to what they like the most, to what makes them dream and motivates them. Engines and enthusiasts for life, do not disappear!

Even if sometimes carelessness takes over, they are able to give color to their dreams.

The world needs people who benefit from what they do, who have a professional vocation, but also social, family and personal.

People who have not lost their humanity. People who, without the need for outside help, live to surpass themselves.

People who are delighted and not disillusioned. Courageous people. Stubborn people.

Idealists and dreamers who succeed in what they undertake with patience and willpower, even if obstacles are in their path, perspiration trickles down their foreheads and fatigue begins to appear, little by little. Because what we love is always difficult to obtain.

People who seek their potential, who identify their dreams, and who, by the mere fact of embodying their dreams, despite the difficulties, end up giving them shape.

People who see crises as opportunities, mistakes as learning and complications as the source of their success.

People who put love and feelings into their actions. People who, when they look at you, betray their dreams thanks to the brilliance of their eyes.

Sincere people, full of feelings and kind looks, who shake hands in a frank manner, who give a real kiss and make a radiant and true smile …

Genuine people who love to be themselves. That there is nothing more beautiful than the nuances and characteristics that identify them, the identity and the imprint that determine them.

People who don’t make excuses or justifications for themselves, who take responsibility for the consequences of their actions and who are willing to make amends if necessary.

People who know that the responsibility is not outside of themselves but inside. 

The world is tired of obligated and disenchanted people, who live in automatic mode instead of being aware.

The world is crying out loud for people with will, passionate people and committed people, who understand that life is a process with its pros and cons.

People who, whatever they do, love what they do because it’s part of them and they want to share it with the whole world.

Where are these people located?

We’re sure they’re here, there, and over there… It’s them, it’s you, it’s me… You just have to wake up and stop being automatons.

We must begin to become aware of things, find the meaning, the appropriate spark that revives our soul. And when you find it, start to shape it, to bring it to life.

Find what you love, never stop trying to get it, and remember to apply it in your daily life.

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