Genuine Love Pays Off

Genuine love comes at a price

We all deserve a genuine love that allows us to be better every day, without frills and all in sincerity.

This feeling that calms fears, nourishes us from within and gives us back our essence, makes us happy and does not deliberately hurt us.

We deserve to find ourselves in another heart and to feel that we are able to communicate with it without pretending, that love flows naturally and that reason and emotion are complementary.

Discover the love of your life every day, in the same person

If allowed to grow, love is the fullest and most gratifying feeling, in any of its representations.

This is why never falling in love can be difficult if the other is, in a sincere and open way.

Love is commitment and freedom at the same time. A stimulation that leads someone to choose the same person to share their life.

It is understanding the complicity in a relationship and taking advantage of it to create a world apart, where one feels safe and sound in all cases.

It is realizing that the most beautiful costs three times and not forgetting it over time: renewing the emotions, inventing a puzzle where the common points overlap with the dissonances and running the risk of jumping into the empty while knowing that we can fall.

Love only understands tenderness, respect, eroticism and mutual tenderness : it is warmth, impulse, idealization, meaning and life.

So why do we sometimes allow it to become something cruel? Why do we keep calling it “love” if it doesn’t sound like it anymore?


Love that hurts is not love

The experience of being in love, simple and complicated at the same time, makes us sometimes accept unacceptable situations in the name of love.

The love that forces one to suffer in order to try to achieve an authentic end that we often see in movies is not real: loving can sometimes hurt, but that is never his intention.

When two people love each other, the only intention that exists is to see the other happy, even if they decide to go their separate ways for one reason or another.

It is not mutual love if it is toxic, if it is not healthy or if we have to give up what we are in order to keep it.

Love that damages with jealousy, ignorance, psychological or physical abuse is not called love since authentic love is paid for with love and reciprocal tenderness.

To love well, you have to love yourself

There is a social conception according to which we tend to think that a person loves another person in order to feel fulfilled and not to feel alone: ​​it is the idea of ​​finding his missing “half”, in order to to build together and to be happy.

But this notion seems wrong and dangerous.


Among the great thinkers of history, many have defended the idea of ​​the impossibility of loving another without loving oneself first.

This would mean seeing themselves as “wholes” (and not as “halves”), that is, complete beings who must first and foremost cultivate their self-esteem before they can share it with others.

If you desire a sincere relationship, in which each is able to offer the other the opportunity to find out, discover yourself before yourself.

We need to understand what exactly we are looking for, what our fears are, what our aspirations are, how we can grow individually, and how much the other person would change our path.

In other words, to love well, it is necessary to love yourself and to be prepared for both loves.

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