Get Rid Of Everything You Wear Too Much To Gain Height

Get rid of everything you wear too much to gain height

What is stopping you from getting high and starting to fly? A relationship that doesn’t work, a job we don’t like, or a friend who despises us.

Imagine traveling in a hot air balloon and starting to throw everything that is holding you back overboard. Remember, you only have one life to fly.

If someone cuts off your wings and doesn’t let you live the life you want, what are you waiting for to let them go?

If you have a job that you are not happy in, although it is not easy, why aren’t you looking for a job that you really like?

You are the maker of your life, you create and shape it, and you are the only person who rules it. 

thinking woman

Selfishness is sometimes necessary and therapeutic

The idea of ​​selfishness tends to be negative because it is associated with someone who is not a good person, who acts only for their own interests and who thinks only of themselves, without paying attention. to others.

However, we can distinguish three types of selfishness:

The egocentric

This person can only talk about themselves,  they won’t let you talk, and only do things for their own benefit.

The person who practices egocentric selfishness has eyes only for himself and every time he speaks it is with reference to him.

The conscious

It is healthy selfishness that arises when we feel the urge to say no to others.

It becomes something natural because it makes us connect with our essence, with what we truly love, and not with what others want for us.

The altruistic

It occurs when we achieve the ability to put our interest in the service of the common good of society, that is, when we do people good and they like it.

We are doing something that we love to do and that benefits other people. It is not about charity or obligations. We are simply doing something that is good and that makes us happy.

So think about yourself, what you want, and what you love.

Look for people who share your concerns and you will feel that knowing people who understand you and are looking for the same thing as you fills you with satisfaction.

Learn to say “no” when necessary. Sometimes we don’t dare say “no” when asked for something, and we find ourselves doing things we don’t want, or living a life we ​​don’t want.

Be happy by doing the things that make you happy and if you have to say no, say so. Get rid of anything that limits your dreams.


Fly and gain height

Sometimes we have memories that hurt us and prevent us from enjoying the moment. Let them go, let them abandon you, and say goodbye to them once and for all.

Begin by forgiving so that you can move forward, and you will feel lighter, as your crew of negative emotions will lose weight. 

If you have a spouse who constantly judges you, questions your dreams, and imposes on you what he considers best for you, think about this relationship with complete sincerity, think about what it brings to you. and make a decision.

Although it is painful, sometimes it is better to retire on time than to live a life full of dissatisfaction.

Sometimes a loved one or a friend limits us in what we want to do, judges us and condemns us, even with the best of intentions.

In these cases, it is sometimes better to take a little distance, to gain perspective, and to have your own space and time to decide, so that the decisions made are really ours.

We can be wrong a thousand and once, but it doesn’t matter if it’s our own mistakes and our own way of learning.

Of course, when you’ve got rid of everything that keeps you from getting high, spread your wings, smile and come out and fly towards your dreams, feel the wind of your desires tangling in your hair, feel the heat of the sun on your face, feel how your feet move away from the earth to achieve all that you have always wanted.

Provided by Amanda Cass

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