Who Loves Me Come And Get Me

Who loves me come and get me

We shouldn’t be walking behind someone who sees us coming and dodges us. We shouldn’t be running behind someone who knows we’re there, who knows our intention to join him, and who never opens their arms to us. We have to respect each other.

Tenderness is not implored because we only reap the lack of interest. It’s time to take a few minutes of our time and pull out some calendar sheets. This is the time to react, to love yourself and to work on your dignity. So whoever loves me come and get me.

Affect does not speak the same language as selfishness and indifference. No, tenderness is sincere, honest, cordial and reciprocal.

We only speak of interest when we are looking for a common benefit, when we try to water the tree of the relationship, to make it grow.


What “crawling” involves for self-esteem and emotional well-being

Crawling and begging for crumbs of attention and tenderness leaves a permanent imprint on our self-esteem and emotional well-being. The fact that others ignore us makes us feel small, insignificant and vulnerable. 

We can associate our feelings with the helplessness, frustration, and anger that are felt as we fail to achieve the kind of relationship we would like to have with the person who ignores our presence and despises our interest.

Our self-esteem is then totally reduced in these cases. Feeling like this makes us fail to maintain a correct attitude towards ourselves.

It is not easy to renew and heal what time and the indifferent attitudes of others have destroyed. The fact of recomposing its pieces requires pride, courage and a certain healthy egoism. 


Don’t look, let them find you

Start by looking for yourself and let others find you.  It hurts you to run behind people who ignore you. Who loves you will seek you out and who doesn’t do it in a simple way is not someone who should be by your side.

Do you know how to start flying? It’s time to spread your wings and take flight. So, take back the reins of your life and surround yourself with people who do not like your pleas, who do not suffocate you and who do not feed on selfishness.

We must know that the pretensions of the heart mark our way. This is why we must try to get rid of these stones that have slipped into our shoes.



This is why in order to restore our self-esteem and the perception of our courage as well as our individuality, we must know that nothing is possible if we do not take care of ourselves first and foremost, and if we do not prevent others from directing our life.

It’s okay that once we’ve broken those vicious circles it’s hard to totally detach and give up on something we never had and wanted more than anything in the world.

It is also possible that we were heading badly at the beginning and that we could not synchronize ourselves with what really makes us good and what makes us happy.

However, letting go of what brings bad things to us always ends up spinning the wheel, and bringing new and hopeful winds to our lives.

Little by little, we will rediscover the idea that we only need ourselves to live, we are the only people essential to our life and we deserve to be surrounded by people who appreciate our company.

If someone doesn’t give you a minute of their life when they fulfill yours demands, and break you to pieces with their indifference, it’s time to say goodbye and go.

Let others come to you, it’s time to become someone worthy.

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