“The Truman Show ” And The Awakening Of Consciousness

After almost twenty years of existence, “The Truman Show” (1998, Peter Weir) continues to be an educational reference for addressing specific themes of philosophy and psychology. Using media and symbols, this film clearly reflects a process as complex as the awakening of consciousness.


Awakening of consciousness occurs when  the person is aware of being present in the world, of existing and of having a connection with it. It is as if we realize our transcendence.

At this precise moment, a spark ignites in us and makes us doubt everything that has been told to us. From there,  we can be content with what we know or overcome our fears and insecurities to get out of the “cave”.

The myth of the cave

The allegory of “The Cave” was written by the Greek philosopher Plato (427-347 BC) to symbolize human knowledge. According to this theory,  man is like a prisoner in a cave:  he only knows the reflection or the shadow of reality. The real world is outside the cave: it is a difficult thing to understand when we have never been out of it and when we are used to using shadows or working with them. In this way, we do not know the existence of the real or we are afraid of it.

What is our cave? The family home or the environment in which we grew up. Normally, from childhood, we are taught a series of values ​​(religious, political, etc.). When we are born into a community, we grow up with traditions that give us identity. Thus, many people are reluctant to novelty, for fear of losing this identity.

As humans seeking safety, we have a tendency to accept the customs practiced by those we love. So  neither society nor family teaches us to “look”  (although we can observe). Critical opinion is not developed. We only see a few children who find themselves in environments that stimulate them to analyze, compare and have a personal opinion. They don’t know how to practice self-awareness.

Awakening Consciousness in The Truman Show

The main character of this film,  Truman, is a man who has never been able to decide a thing in his life. From birth, he was bought by the television program of which he is the protagonist and all the decisions he makes (having a girlfriend, getting married, buying a house, working …) are not his: these are actions guided by the creator of the program (who, in this case, is compared to a god).

Truman is happy and lives far from everything, inside the huge dome that has been built for him and which constitutes a city. When he suspects something or has a little doubt,  he is unable to come out of this world as he is controlled by the fears  and insecurities presented to him in his childhood (for example, the sea and the trauma with his father ). But there comes a time when he can no longer dodge his doubts: his world is no longer the one before.

In truth, we are all Trumans. The only option we have to be authentic is when this spark, this awakening of consciousness occurs within us. It is only our willpower that helps us overcome the fear that the future may arouse in us.

The purest act of freedom is that of thinking

When this awakening of consciousness occurs in us, we acquire energy and determination to step out of our comfort zone and our environment, driven by this sensation indicating to us that  we will see things more clearly as we move away …  to then ask ourselves in our hearts:  What do I want to do with my life? Do my beliefs satisfy me? What am I believing in? What is my truth?

Your answers must be more valuable than the opinions of others because they are perfect for you; they are made to your measure and not to that of others. It is easy to think that we are not free because we all have responsibilities (family, school, work) but the truth is that  the purest and most accessible act of truth is that of thinking. . We are free to think and imagine whatever we want, just as we are free to make decisions based on it. Truman also has the opportunity to find out the truth.

When we stay with the same ideas, the ones we were taught, we prevent any evolution. In contrast, when we overcome the fear of the unknown and seek our own knowledge, we begin to walk a path that teaches us more genuine, healthier, and less dissonant principles, values, and personal beliefs. Ultimately,  surpassing yourself will push you to be freer. For this, two ingredients will always be necessary: ​​awakening and courage.


Our thoughts Our thoughts

Three films that challenge us and question us on various themes. Three films to raise awareness.

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