Is Your Professional Career In Line With Your Goals?

Is your professional career in line with your goals?

Have you ever woken up wishing you had won the lottery so you wouldn’t have to go to work? Going to work is martyrdom for many people. Either because they believe they are not being paid enough or because they think they could be in a higher position. The question you’ve never asked yourself, however, is whether your professional career matches your goals.

We are sometimes not aware of the reasons why we end up practicing a certain profession. The reason may be the salary. Or because we want to gain experience. What happens, however, if this work does not coincide with our goals, with our professional and personal goals?

Imagine that we are working as an administrative staff. This is a job that we found quickly, without much effort. Money is the only reason we buy into it though. We would actually like to set up a management company. In other words, our objective is to undertake.

Driven by our environment, and as we had studied administration and business management, we therefore chose the most obvious solution. However, every day is a burden because our work does not completely satisfy us. We are bored and don’t want to go there. The fear, the comfort and the money that we receive at the end of the month have nevertheless chained us to this work which does not really please us.

We sometimes believe that what we study, what defines our profession, is what determines our career. This could be a serious mistake. Indeed,  the professional career is a path that we must choose consciously.  It should, if possible, align with our life goals.

Focus on our dreams

Our professional career isn’t just about getting a job and earning money. Thinking like this makes a lot of people dissatisfied. That they count the holidays to know when they will not have to work, that they count the days remaining before this long awaited vacation. They experience their work as a countdown to their days off instead of enjoying it.

Everyone has desires, professional goals, or what we might call a dream. Something vocational, a job that we would gladly do and give up without fear of continuing to advance and build our career if it ceased to satisfy us at some point. Furthermore, we will not be trapped by fear, laziness and comfort if this work aligns with our life goals.

How to start our professional career? We shouldn’t dream of the impossible but analyze what we like to do, what activities or tasks we are good at and what we can improve. The next step is to think about the usefulness that it could have for what we would like to devote ourselves to. Does it help others? Does it make someone’s life easier? What is its main contribution?

How do we know if we are on the right track?

We could doubt that we chose the best path despite having thought of all of the above. We can answer the following questions for this:

  • How many goals have we achieved?  We are not talking about money. We are talking about achievements at the professional level. Your career and your goal aren’t aligned if you can’t find one.
  • Is your work in line with your values? The reason why we are often not happy even though we are making money is that our work does not contain any of the values ​​that we value or go against them.
  • Does our work motivate us? This is a very important question. If we don’t have the opportunity to develop our skills and be productive, and we develop our work automatically, we are probably wrong.
professional career

The answers to these questions can tell us where we are and whether this is the right time to rethink the situation. Maybe we just need to see the work from another point of view or resolve some outstanding conflicts that are hampering our professional development.

There is a distinct difference between those who have a satisfying professional career and those who just work. The former do it for fun. Carrying out this job is compensation in itself. It gives them something. In a way, their jobs allow them to progress little by little and improve their skills. The latter, on the other hand, consider work as an obligation that must be borne on a daily basis.

We must never comply. It must be said that there are no other opportunities. Nothing, however, is achieved without effort and dedication. Why not take the time to learn what we really love and develop the professional career that will allow us to wake up even if we haven’t slept for a few hours?

professional career

It’s all about will, desire and patience. If we want to have a satisfying job, let’s think about our goals first to start moving and moving towards them,  even if the progress is slow at first.

Work to create or work to consume?
Our thoughts Our thoughts

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