The Theory Of Everything, The Discovery Of A Genius

The theory of everything, the discovery of a genius

We’ve talked a lot about Stephen Hawking’s life, his illness, his great sense of humor, and his contributions to physics. The Theory of Everything  is a film directed by James Marsh in 2014. A film that attempts to bring us closer to everyday life and to the human side of the British physicist. It is inspired by the work  Traveling to infinity: my life with Stephen,  by Jane Hawking, Stephen’s first wife. An autobiographical work in which Jane recounts her years with Stephen Hawking.

The film was well received by critics. He also received numerous Oscar nominations, although Eddie Redmayne was the only one to win a prize, that of the best actor. Managing to present this film to the cinema was difficult. Getting Jane and Stephen’s approval was not easy as this is a very personal story. A story requiring extreme delicacy. A very risky bet insofar as the approval of the two protagonists was necessary.

Stephen Hawking offered his signature voice for the film, praised Redmayne’s work and was even moved when he saw the first draft of the film.  The theory of everything , far from turning into a drama, moves and grabs us. The film brings us closer to the other side of the genius’ life, a more bitter side, that of a person who also makes mistakes and who possesses an exceptional sense of humor despite the loss of mobility of his body. .

We sometimes idealize some famous and famous people, thinking that their life is very different from ours. That they don’t suffer, that they are perfect, that money brings everything…  The theory of everything  shows us the person behind the genius, the good and bad side, in the naturalness of his daily life. The film is also about Jane, who is an excellent example of struggle, but above all reminds us of the importance of love, of loving despite obstacles.

Much has been said about Hawking’s life and scientific work after his death. There is no doubt that he was one of the great geniuses of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries and that his memory will last. The Theory of Everything  was a living tribute, a magnificent portrayal of Hawking’s intimate side,  a tribute to his wife, children and also a gift for all viewers.

Overtaking in  The Theory of  Everything

The film begins at a college party where a young Stephen Hawking meets his wife, Jane. They both look very different. Him, scientist, she, literary. He, an atheist, she a believer. But feelings will quickly arise between them. Stephen will then begin to experience the first symptoms of a strange illness which, soon after, would be diagnosed as motor neuron disease (linked to ALS).

The diagnosis came when Hawking was only 21 years old. He was preparing his doctoral thesis. A promising future awaited him. The doctors nevertheless assured him that he would not live more than two years. So he decided to get away from Jane and hide the truth from her, even for a short time.

Jane decided to stay by his side no matter what when she found out what was happening to Stephen. This even though time seemed to be working against her. We all know today that Stephen Hawking not only managed to live beyond those two years, but also became an example of overtaking. No wheelchair succeeds in stopping the research of the British physicist.

The theory of everything

The film takes us to the suffering of young Hawking, to the fear and initial refusal after the announcement of the terrible diagnosis, to his internal struggle, to acceptance, to anger…   The magnificent interpretation of Eddie Redmayne allows us to know all its phases, without forgetting the fundamental role of Jane, played by Felicity Jones. Against all odds, Jane and Stephen started a family. They had three children. He continued to devote his life to science and Jane, without any help, took care of everything else.

Jane’s sacrifice and devotion to Stephen is surprising. Especially when the latter refuses to be helped, refuses to admit that Jane feels frustrated in a house with three small children and a husband who can barely help her. She gives up everything for him, for his family. It becomes the main support of the genius of physics.

The wonderful thing about  The Theory of Everything  is that it extols Hawking’s character but mostly shows us his human side, paying homage to Jane. He salutes this woman capable of anything out of love, an unstoppable fighter whose work is at the origin of the film we are watching. Overtaking is the key to the film. Not only at Stephen’s, but also at Jane’s  .

The theory of everything

The lessons of life in  The Theory of Everything

The theory of everything  is also a mirror, a reflection of reality, of this world where some people are rewarded for their work and others neglected for it. He often alludes to the economic problems faced by Jane and Stephen at the start. Something we would never have imagined for such a famous physicist.

The theory of everything  shows us the origin, the provenance of this genius who became a celebrity.  He reminds us that many geniuses, unlike rock stars or elite athletes, are not rewarded. They only get recognition at an advanced age. Devoting a lifetime to research is often no guarantee of success or recognition.

The film reminds us of what is important, of the values ​​that we must not lose. He reminds us that the main thing is to have a reason, to maintain the fighting spirit despite adversity. He invites us to value our family, our friends, to embrace life… Because we never know when the end will come.

Stephen and Jane thought time was on their side. That Stephen’s life would end at any moment. That is why they chose to live,  to start a family as soon as possible, to enjoy every moment, despite the difficulties. And although they ended up separating, this separation does not appear as something tragic rather as a gesture of love for the other.

Jane had sacrificed everything for Stephen. It was Stephen who, through the separation, decided to take another path.  And while the idea might sound crazy, selfish, and irrational, it really isn’t. Jane had a second chance, a rebirth. She never stopped loving Stephen but took a new path.

Redmayne’s work is yet to be noted. His interpretation of Hawking, the expression of his gestures can seem ridiculous, contrived and forced. Nothing, however, is further from reality. Redmayne obtains a touching Hawking, natural, without artifice  and completely believable.

The Theory of Everything  is a great way to remember Stephen Hawking. He further reminds us that no one escapes death,  the importance of saving this human side that we seemingly lost, of recovering the laughter, this faithful companion who has never left Hawking. Life is an endless accumulation of adversities, of obstacles. It is we who choose how we want to live it. Who decide what we want this path to look like to be worth it.


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