Learning To Enjoy Life In The Moment

We all live with some pressure from the future and the weight of the past, when in reality the only thing we have within our grasp is happening right now. Thus, limiting our lifestyle to what was and what will be can put us in a negative mood.
Learn to enjoy life in the moment

Being and living in the present has incredible benefits. However, that means enjoying life in the meantime, which is a difficult task to accomplish. This difficulty is noticed in patients who consult psychologists, overcome with anxiety and sadness that they do not control. But it is also revealed in more common and shared habits. Are you aware of it?

We remember with nostalgia the past, those times when we laughed so hard that our bellies made us suffer. Sometimes we thought in the moment that they would last forever. We imagine and make a thousand and one plans for tomorrow, hoping that they will be perfect and unique, which also requires arduous preparation. Thus, we spend our time remembering and imagining, immersed in the membrane of what has already happened.

A sad woman needing to enjoy life

The anguish of the past

We have to admit it, we have all anchored in the past. This is a good thing. We are human beings and as such we define ourselves from our memories. As we exist , it is tempting to go back to the past when in the present we do not find stimuli of positive sensations. This way, we can access the good times (the memories we know are good), as if they were our most precious treasure.

The problem arises when the will to stay in the past ends up hampering our growth. We find ourselves fighting a battle that threatens to affect our psychological health. S urtout if we relive the past obsessively.

Thus, there are memories that awaken in us emotions that generate great discomfort. We are talking about sadness and guilt, which undermines our attitude, especially if we don’t know how to deal with them.

The uncertainty of a future to build

We have all experienced this mental cycle. One in which thoughts follow one another without interruption and cause excessive concern for the future. This habit, widespread in today’s society and framed by the dominant lifestyle, condemns our mind to spend its resources in a state of continuous vigilance.

The future is frightening, and inspired fear is born in the face of the imaginary drawing of “the most terrible threats”. This is a strategy that we as a species have often used to survive. However, this strategy fails when we are unable to generate some degree of tolerance for uncertainty or to use anticipation to develop prevention strategies and reduce anxiety.

Here and now: our action scenario

The only reality we can change with behavior is the one today, the one where life happens, the one that is unfolding right now as you read these lines. We can only enjoy each moment that we are living, because at the end of the day life is made up of that, little moments.

When we are led to travel to the past and the future, the important thing is to use our ability to objectively recognize the obstacles that bring us there. It is therefore fundamental that we learn to disconnect our emotions from the situation and that we are able to identify new ways to move forward. One of the keys to doing this is to situate ourselves in the present moment and to enjoy life in the present moment.

We know this is much easier said than done, but with practice we can all fit this behavior into our repertoire. The first step can be to embrace the idea that it is okay to have changes in our path . L ife is constant change and evolution. Let us accept our current views as well as those of the present moment.

A woman who knows how to enjoy life

Francisco Alcaide, in his books and lectures on leadership and management, speaks clearly about how we can deal with our emotions and take control of our life :

  • Looking at the past with gratitude
  • Enjoy the present with illusion
  • Building the future with hope

We’re all where we need to be… to enjoy life in the moment.

Enjoy life in the moment

Often, we have to stop the inertia of our attentional focus, stop it and redirect its jumps. It is fundamental to put an end to this turmoil, or at least the pernicious internal dialogue to which we may be accustomed. It is only from this position that we can adopt a perspective that allows us to situate ourselves in the present moment and enjoy life in the moment.

For this we can resort to mindfulness. It is a technique that helps to become fully aware of the present moment. In this way, it gives us the necessary calm to respond, and not just to react, to the circumstances that present themselves to us.

We just have to stop to think about each of the moments that make up our life. On closer inspection, the most endearing are those which are tinged with serendipity. We are not looking for them, but we have found them when we lived in the here and now.


Living in fullness, an important decision
Our thoughts Our thoughts

Living in fullness means living in balance with ourselves, with others and with all our environment.

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