5 Types Of Single People

5 types of single people

We often tend to analyze couple relationships, but what about celibacy? Celibacy also defines us, it talks about us, how we are, how we perceive the world and how we see relationships as a couple.

There are many reasons why a person is single. Maybe her relationship went wrong and she feels better on her own, or maybe she wants to be single out of her own mind. Let us not forget that there are still very many people who still see celibacy as an unnatural, strange and endured state. However, not everyone agrees with them.

Today, we’re going to learn about several types of single people that you may or may not be able to identify with. The reasons for being single are many and varied. Each person has their own experiences, which led them to decide to be single.

1. Singles with bad experiences

In this first category, we find all the people who, because of their bad experiences in love, have decided to stop “being in a relationship” to spend time with themselves. Thinking about having a partner again gives them breakouts, and makes them tired.

In general, these people have had very difficult experiences. Maybe their spouse has been unfaithful to them, had a double life, disappeared overnight, became an abuser …


We cannot deny that these situations have an impact and leave a mark on the person who suffers from them. Sometimes we get to such an extreme that we even develop a philophobia, the phobia whose greatest fear is falling in love.

2. singles for lack of esteem elleux -Same

There are people who have a great lack of self-esteem, and this leads them to devalue themselves in all aspects of their life, including the sentimental sphere. They believe that they are not worthy of being loved, that the person next to them will be wasting their time with someone who is not worth it.

Often, they find that they are not beautiful enough to please someone, and prefer to neglect themselves and hide from others. They are therefore very shy and even reject possible pretenders.

With these attitudes, they do nothing other than curb what they want deep inside them. This form of celibacy can be considered the worst, because it is not a decision of one’s own, but a consequence of what one thinks about oneself.

3. Singles out of desire for independence

Single people who enjoy their independence shy away from any strong or serious bond that might attach them to the other person. They love to have their own space which includes the house, the car, alone hours, not being accountable to anyone, not having obligations etc.

open-arms woman

But, inside single people, we find two subtypes which are related and which are the consequence of this need for independence:

  • Self-sufficient single people : these people believe that they are self-sufficient and that they don’t need anyone, that no one can give them anything more. Having a spouse is something they are indifferent to. These people spend a lot of time alone, but that’s what they want. Their habits are so lonely that they contradict the simple fact of being in a relationship.
  • Single people by isolation : they could fit in the previous box but solitude, here, is not wanted. This type of single person wants to break with this dynamic, even if it is very complicated for them. They have been isolated from others for so long that they have lost the social skills necessary to bond.

4. Singles who are true to their ideas

People who defend certain ideas should remain single. It has to do with our vision of the world and relationships in general. And all this will condition our relationship as a couple.

For example, religion is a very strong marker, which can lead people to stay single until they find the right person. A little difficult research because the spouse must share the same vision on relationships.


In the event that there are differences, the person is under great pressure because of their ideas and what they want. Anxiety, preoccupation, and stress are evident in those who find themselves in this type of celibacy.

5. Pessimistic single people

There is an ultimate type of singles, pessimistic singles who see the relationship world as murky and dark. This does not mean that they do not want to be in a relationship: in reality, they think that being in a relationship does not bring them anything.

All the pleasure they feel and all that it brings them are simple beliefs that we create. But, if we look at them differently, with more distance, relationships are “nonsense”.

Pessimistic singles can also be those who believe that they will never find that complementary person. While previous pessimistic singles are colder, they live with the terrible burden that there is no longer any hope for a relationship for them.

Ultimately, what we wanted to emphasize is that our experiences, where we were born, what we were taught and how we see the world have a big influence on our relationships. And being single is not negative, as long as you are not in the category of the single person who lacks self-esteem.


Being single is a totally valid choice. Even so, many people should learn to be single to avoid having to be dependent on others. Thus, you learn to spend time with yourself, to know yourself and not to need anyone other than yourself. We could add many other types of celibacy, and if any of them occur to you, please share them with us!

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