7 Things To Say Goodbye To

7 things we need to say goodbye to

We have to say goodbye to certain people in our life, but sometimes they have marked us so much that we have a hard time moving away from them.

It is very difficult to say goodbye to a love that has accompanied us throughout our life, as well as to all those people who no longer bring anything positive to our existence.

Learning to get rid of them will allow us to grow, to free us from all these excuses that prevent us from moving forward, which make us prisoners of our own life. Now is the time to let go. Now is the time to grow up.

Letting go is much wiser than holding back, because to let go is to release, but to hold on is to limit.

In the rest of this article, we’ll walk you through how to identify the things you need to get rid of.

Sometimes we are not sure we should let go because we do not understand the consequences. But now is the time to move forward on the road to your happiness.

The time to say goodbye has come

Not everyone is prepared to say goodbye, and few actually do. It is about putting an end to an inertia, to eliminate the current which carries us in the opposite direction to start again to build again.

We must first let go of the things of the past in order to be able to seize the new opportunities that present themselves to us.

Having an unconscious burden on our shoulders is due to our inability to identify our problems.

That’s why we’re going to present you 7 things you need to say goodbye to if you want to keep moving forward. Don’t hang on to what hurts you. The time to free yourself from them has come. 

1. Say goodbye to resistance

Sometimes we feel in harmony with what we are doing and that makes us deeply happy.

But, there may be times when something is preventing us from moving forward, such as some kind of deep fear that prevents us from realizing that we need to change.

wing boat

Stop clinging to what robs you of your freedom, because no one is forcing you to do so. You are self-limiting!

Better that you stop resisting and let go of your fear. What you hold back on doesn’t give you the security you think you have.

Identify what you are trying to resist and free yourself! Resistance is one thing that will never allow you to be happy. Now is the time to change: you are the only one with the power and the will.

2. Stop limiting yourself

Our deepest beliefs are sometimes our cruelest limits. For example, if you think you don’t like something, chances are you’re mostly afraid to risk trying. You may be in the wrong direction.

On the other hand, if you can get away from these limiting beliefs, you will be able to better appreciate what you really want.

Remember that our mind is working to try to confirm these beliefs, to materialize these self-fulfilling prophecies. We are not acting in a totally rational manner.

Think that all of these barriers that keep you from moving forward are created by your mind. No one built them for you.

It is exactly for this reason that you are the only person who can take them down. From your hands will come your salvation.

Once you get away from those negative thoughts, from whatever is holding back your dreams, you are going to feel free and invincible, you are going to run towards your dreams.

Learn to identify the barriers that stand in your way and destroy them. This is the only way you can achieve all of your goals.

3. Don’t expect too high

Most of the expectations we have are totally unattainable. It wouldn’t be so bad if we didn’t base our lives on these false hopes that often never come true.

Failure to find those dreams that are beyond our reach generates frustration, loss of confidence, and disappointment in us.


These too high expectations must be one of your goals to eliminate if you want to be happier and move forward on your path to happiness.

Most of the time they’re created and forced on you by someone or something outside, and that conditions a whole part of your behavior.

Remember all the times you waited for something from someone, for example. What was the result ? A disappointment, most certainly. Stop expecting too much from life and from others if you want to be happier every day.

4. Don’t be afraid anymore

Fears are huge obstacles that stand between us and what we desire, which keep us in our comfort zone.

Learn to face your fears to overcome them. Most of the time, they are not real! In this way, you will be able to grow, move forward and learn from life.

If you analyze your fears, you will realize that you have created them yourself and that they hardly ever have a basis, even though you have given them a great place in your life.

The fear of loneliness, the fear of speaking in public… are they really tangible fears?

Look fear in the eye, face it and no longer see it as a barrier, but rather as an opportunity to give yourself a boost on the path to your happiness.

Just looking at them differently will allow you to use them to your advantage, instead of pointing them at you.

5. Be free

Many people hold on to others because they think their happiness is in the hands of outsiders.

This is a serious mistake that puts their emotional health at risk. If your happiness is in the hands of others, it hangs by a thread.

butterfly woman

Learn to see yourself as a whole person who doesn’t need anyone else to be happy.

It is difficult to get out of this very common situation, of this emotional dependence which prompts us to entrust the responsibility of our happiness to others. But it is nevertheless a necessary act.

Learn to be free, come to terms with your loneliness, and never get sucked into someone else just because you think you aren’t good enough to make your own decisions. Being free is your best bet for feeling good about yourself.

6. Let go of the past

What is the use of living in the past? The present is the only thing that matters, the only time you need to focus on if you want to be happy and move forward.

Learn from your past, overcome it, and live in the moment, in what really matters.

Many people mourn their past and fail to overcome their old demons.

It is therefore important that you analyze anything that could have hurt you and that you did not manage to overcome. Once this identification process is completed, it’s time to let go.

When you let go of your past, you realize that letting go of it was much easier than you might first think.

Now you can focus on your present and move on to your future. Looking back on your life doesn’t have to be negative, but never dwell on your past.

7. Say goodbye to your guilt

Many people blame others for their own actions because they refuse to admit responsibility.

Others shouldn’t hold you accountable for their decisions, and you should never feel guilty about failures or mistakes made by people around you.


Learn to be responsible for your own decisions and not feel guilty for making them.

Every decision has a result, which can be a negative consequence for your existence. But all the mistakes are there to bring us something positive, like so many lessons to help us move forward.

We can only advise you to accept your decisions. Any choice you make will take you down a unique path and regret it is pointless.

You can right the consequences of a bad decision, you can apply the lessons you may have learned from it, but you can’t go back and make a different choice.

What are you having trouble saying goodbye to? Would you like to add something to this list? We often cling to situations that poison our life and we do not know how to get rid of them.

However, it is fundamental that you throw all your strength into the battle to be able to continue to move forward on the path to your happiness. Saying goodbye to all of these things will be your best decision.


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