How To Stop Having Headaches According To Science

Headaches can take many forms. Migraines, for example, are very painful. What should be done in these situations according to science? We talk about it in this article.
How to stop having headaches according to science

Pain in the temples, dizziness, throbbing discomfort as if we were hit with a hammer … How to get rid of headaches? Is there a cure other than using drugs?

Few pathologies are as troublesome and disabling as headaches. In addition, it should be noted that headaches represent one of the most frequent reasons for consultations with general practitioners and neurologists.

Headaches have many triggering factors. These can include a poor diet, daily stress, exhaustion or an underlying illness.

Therefore, before resorting to conventional drugs such as paracetamol or ibuprofen, it is always advisable to consult your doctor in order to identify the cause at the origin of the pain. Let’s see what neuroscientists have to say about how to treat headaches

A woman's hands on her temples.

3 things to get rid of headaches

Anyone can have a headache. In fact, it is estimated that 2 in 3 children have a headache at least once before the age of 15. We also know that almost 90% of people will experience a headache at least once in their lifetime.

We are, as we can see, facing one of the most common ailments. But – and this is where the shoe pinches – it continues to convey a certain stigma and ignorance.

The most common type of headache in the population is primary headache. That is, pain that does not come from any specific disease. Migraine and headaches are thus the most common.

However, a study published in The Lancet points out that many people still feel misunderstood when they suffer from headaches. Indeed, many people often feel unable to work.

They sometimes feel discouraged, exhausted and want to be alone in a quiet place. It can be a source of criticism from others.

However, more and more progress is being made in understanding this disorder. In addition, appropriate strategies are now available. So let’s find out what neuroscience has to say about how to get rid of headaches.

1. Look beyond your headaches. What is really wrong with you?

When we suffer from headaches or migraines, instead of instantly resorting to medication, let’s think for a moment. Let’s look beyond the pain itself and observe ourselves.

A headache combines multiple processes. Blood vessels and nerves send pain signals to the brain. Neurotransmitters generate changes in the activity of nerve cells… What triggers all of this?

  • To get rid of headaches, it is necessary to know the cause. Otherwise, this pain may become more frequent. Especially if we are content to consume pain relievers to cover it up.
  • Ask yourself how you are feeling. Take a deep dive into what has happened in your life over the past few days. Are you overworked? Are you doing too many things at once? Are you worried about something? Headaches due to stress are the most common.
  • Then ask yourself how you eat. Certain inflammatory chemicals found in foods such as cheese, wine, sausage or coffee also directly activate the trigeminal nerve. It also causes migraines.
  • Check your health. Deficiencies in minerals or nutrients can in many cases lead to states of exhaustion and headaches. A checkup never hurts.

2. You have natural pain relievers in your brain

We know that many of these pathologies require pharmacological treatment. However, another way to get rid of headache pain, or at least reduce its impact, is to activate our natural pain relievers.

Neurotransmitters such as oxytocin, dopamine and serotonin are within our reach. Sometimes a sensational way to deactivate this discomfort, this suffering, is to help them release. How? ‘Or’ What ? There is not one, but several ways to release these neurotransmitters:

  • Go for a walk. Take a deep breath of fresh air, kick back and relax.
  • Spend time with good friends who make you laugh.
  • Rest, give yourself time to do what you love so much. Take life at a different pace.
Tree in the shape of a head.

3. Get rid of headaches by paying attention to 5 details

Dr. Seymour Diamond, former president and CEO of the National Headache Foundation, is one of the world’s foremost headache specialists. His legacy which includes books like Hope for Your Headache Problem. More Than Two Aspirin , is a reference in the field. It is therefore always relevant to remember his advice on this subject:

  • Always try to get up and go to bed at the same time. Be regular in your schedule.
  • Get an average of 7 to 8 hours of sleep per night.
  • Learn to deal with everyday stress.
  • Eat non-inflammatory foods. For example, those rich in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • Watch out for smells and strong lights.
  • Exercise for at least half an hour a day.
  • Reduce the hours of exposure to screens, especially before bedtime.

To conclude, it is worth recalling a fundamental element. The next time you have a headache, take a “scan” of yourself. Ask yourself what could be the cause. Do not hesitate to consult your doctor either and always remember to stay well hydrated.

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