I Like Friends Who Respect Time, Silence And Privacy

I like friends who respect time, silence and privacy

How many friends do you have?

There are people who pride themselves on having a lot of friends, which  they collect on social media.

These are people they hardly know and who, however, are the ones who “like” each of their posts.

Good friends aren’t just names and photos on our phone. These are people who are attentive to our words and who know how to read our actions.

These are lives that fit together in our empty corners, voices that fill our voids in good times as well as bad times, it is laughter that puts problems into perspective and people with whom we are building today.

However… How could we define good friends? Do not think about favors, because  friendship should not be based solely on “you give me and I give you”.

Sometimes, beyond support, distraction or mutual help, a good friendship is also based on silence, space and time.

Let’s think about this together.

The language of silence

You must have been with other people and have felt extremely embarrassed when there is a big silence in the group.


Sometimes it happens that we feel the same embarrassment with people of our family or co-workers.

This is due to lack of confidence and worry. It’s as if silence opened the doors to silenced thoughts that frighten us …

Will he judge me? What will he think of me now?

It doesn’t happen with good friends. One could also say, by way of reflection, that we practice very little the value of silence.

It is there that souls rest in peace, that complicity acquires its true meaning. We don’t need words to be united and to feel good.

Silences are comfortable with the people we love, because we allow ourselves to be ourselves with all our authenticity, without being judged.

The inexistence of time …

“But what’s happening to you…? Looks like you forgot everyone, you bring everything back to your life and you forget the others! ”

It may be that some of your friendships are like this. You let a day of “no communication” go by for no particular reason, just because you wanted to or you didn’t feel obliged to be in contact 7 days a week. But little by little, the reproaches appear.

Some people just don’t understand this stuff. Some people think that friendship is like a newscast allowing us to “update ourselves”, to talk about each hour that we live, of what we think, or of “what we do with our life.”


At the moment when the pressure of obligatory character appears, one feels a little under siege.

Indeed, the one who does not respect the times of privacy, including disconnection, does not understand the true value of friendship.

There are people who, for professional or personal reasons, have taken a distance for months or even years.

However, when they see their friends again, this magical complicity that warms our hearts so much is always present. It is as if time has stood still, because the feeling is the same.

Has this ever happened to you?

Private parts, common parts

You could say that the problem is that a lot of people don’t know how to deal with loneliness and their emotions, and they don’t respect the privacy of others.

We have all had friendships for which we had to be in contact with the person 24 hours a day to share an idea, a fear, a concern… Indeed, we gave up everything to be present.

Gradually, we began to understand that this person had a strange ability to deal with his problems, to the point of projecting his fears and negativity on others.

Without a doubt, we would give anything for her, but with a limit: that she respects our privacy, our identity and our emotional balance.

In the end, we should not take on the stones that others find in their path, because by uniting them with our own, it will be difficult to move forward on our path.

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