3 Things To Remember If You Hit Rock Bottom Again

3 things to remember if you hit rock bottom again

Hitting rock bottom isn’t the worst thing that can happen to you. If you hit rock bottom, it’s because you can’t fall any lower. In such a situation, you have two options: you can stay there, drowned in your own suffering – and that’s the worst thing that can happen to you – or you can use the bottom. to gain momentum and come back up. However, finding the strength to take this impetus is not always easy; in fact, most of the time the area is small and slippery.

Probably all of us have had the feeling of hitting rock bottom before, haven’t we? If this is your case, then you know the difficulty we are telling you about. Life brings us mental, emotional and physical challenges that tear us down, make us feel hopeless, dark and anxious. Once you get to this point, there is only one way out, because lower down there is nothing.

But all this you already know. You have already fallen and have already emerged. Like the Phoenix rising from its ashes. Hitting rock bottom has taught you an important lesson in life. But as a human being you know you are not immune and can slide again.

It may be that the fear of going through a similar situation again paralyzes you and prevents you from living fully, that it slows down your initiatives or pushes you to lock yourself in your bubble. However, such behavior is not doing you any good, and if you react like that, you will end up hitting rock bottom again, for fear is never a good counselor.

If you’re reading this article, it’s probably because you’re about to feel like you’re going to bottom out, if you haven’t already. And you already know that what seems like a bottomless pit with a vertiginous fall ends at one point or another.


Do not deny what you have already been through and do not be ashamed of all the suffering you have been through. By basing yourself on the memory of this suffering experienced in the past, you will be able to understand things better and apply the following suggestions more easily. If you hit rock bottom again, don’t forget our tips:

Let your emotions flow, give yourself the opportunity to feel this frustration, this disappointment, even this anger that comes over you. Identifying what you feel is the only way to get rid of suffering. If you try to distract yourself by thinking about something else, the emotions will continue to grow and struggle to find their place in your mind.

Feel the pain without getting attached to it. Just let it flow. Don’t look for solutions, don’t look for culprits, don’t think about taking action to fix the problem. Simply feel. Contrary to what it may seem, these emotions will not devour you, but will pass and set you free.

Reflection makes the difference. You need time to make sense of what you have been through and to understand how it has affected you. Once you’ve let the emotions flow, it’s time to start easing your mind and lightening your heart. Now is the time to learn a new lesson.

However, thinking is not looking for the culprits, but rather becoming aware of one’s responsibility, forgiving oneself, and making positive decisions that reinforce. It may take more or less time; take the time you need. There is only deep thinking, and therefore learning a lesson, that can get you out of the hole.

If in our fall our self-esteem has remained strong, then it will be much easier for us to get up. So you take advantage of your fall and make it an opportunity to show that love you have for yourself. Treat yourself at least with the same affection that you give to others, the one that respects and forgives, the one that gives an opportunity, the one that doesn’t try to impose changes contrary to who you are.


There are many who feel that they have hit rock bottom and do not allow themselves to disconnect from their problems. They’re spinning them all over the place in their heads and ruminating on all the bad things in their life. But the fact of facing an obstacle does not mean that you cannot take a detour and find something even more beautiful on the new path that you will take.

To get out of the hole, rather than take our revenge on things, it is better to find an activity that allows us to lighten our mind. Creative activities, music, physical exercise or meditation give us the opportunity to step out for a moment from the harmful and saturated space in which we find ourselves to move on to a new scenario and to come back with renewed energies.

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