A Mystery, A Meeting

A mystery, a meeting

Each person who crosses our path is unique. She always leaves us a little of her, and takes a little of us with her. Some take a lot with them, but no one leaves without leaving a piece of themselves. This is clear proof that two souls do not meet by chance. ” Jorge Luis Borges

Our life is a succession of meetings with others, whether with members of our family, with friends, our spouse, or even with a stranger. We move forward in life by continually meeting our fellow human beings, by interacting with them.

However, it only happens very rarely that we stop to take the time to think about the nature and the richness of its human contacts. If we take the time to think about it, each of these encounters brings its share of richness and personal growth, both after a short moment as well as long hours of conversation.

Two people meet, two worlds meet

From a friendly, sentimental, professional or other point of view, the meeting between two people is something complex. Each person is a world unto themselves,  a mystery, with their past experiences, personal characteristics, and fears. This is why relationships with others remain a mystery, an enigma.

When two people meet, they kind of create a new world out of this fusion. By the simple act of coming together, a new existence emerges. It is through this phenomenon, thanks to the fruit of their budding relationship, that two people begin to change and transform.

The famous Swiss psychiatrist  Carl G. Jung  described “the meeting between two people like the contact between two chemical substances: if a reaction occurs, the two are transformed”.

It is true that at first only the peripheries or surfaces meet,  but as intimacy develops between these people or they become closer, they gradually manage to unite their centers of interest and their complexities. 

This means that they are no longer two separate people, because from the moment they came into contact, a set of all their interactions is formed, which is the essence of their relationship in itself.

The importance of interactions

Each person responsible for a meeting contributes with the help of a word, a sentence, a gesture, or even a silence. The important thing is to  never stop communicating,  because even when we are silent, we are sending a message to the other with our silence. However, all this richness very often goes unnoticed.

In a meeting that is both pleasant and unpleasant, everything that happens influences us, allowing us to grow in one way or another. It is important that we learn to observe, to open our eyes to experience each interaction, and that we extract the essence that it offers us to move forward in our learning.

It is not only about being interested in what is good or bad in the other, but also to perceive how it affects us in  order to use it all for our personal growth.

We must immerse ourselves in a meeting, take advantage of it to grow, realize our mistakes or what we have done well to do, teach as well as learn, be able to appreciate the beauty of interaction, the ability to share .

The main thing is not to work on the basis of our experience, but to enrich ourselves from the teachings that we receive, and to  take advantage of the moment to fully enjoy this experience, positive or negative, but who, if we are. aware, will not leave us indifferent from what we have learned. 

“People meet when they need to meet.”  paulo Coelho

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