7 Things Only Very Creative People Can Understand

7 things only very creative people can understand

Do you consider yourself to be a very creative person and find yourself weird for that reason? Don’t worry, this is normal. Neuroscience confirms that highly creative people think and act differently. Their brains are wired, literally, in a unique way.

Let’s not lie to ourselves:  Creativity is a wonderful gift for many things, but it can also turn into a problem when it comes to bonding with others. As a very creative person, you may experience tense situations where you feel like a stranger, a completely different being from others, as if you belong to a particular world.

It would be so good if those who are trying to change us made an effort to understand us, don’t you think?

For those who do not understand their way of seeing things, let them look at them with other eyes; and to make all of these highly creative minds feel more understood, the following may help.

Traits that define highly creative people

Creative people have a personal lens through which they view the world. Even though creative people are very different from each other, they share similar traits and behaviors. Here are a few :

They are curious and their mind never stops

The minds of creative people are nourished by curiosity,  from which they obtain constant inspiration. This insatiable curiosity searches for the next good idea to do something or improve what they know.

Our mind never stops. It doesn’t matter what we’re doing. This is not an obstacle to daydreaming or to drawing new plans.


They have problems following the rules

Rules are a big handicap on the path of the highly creative mind,  which needs to manage its own time and control its own work. This makes highly creative people keep asking questions that challenge the status quo and keep asking why they have to submit to standards that limit their aspirations.

The rebellious side is a trait common to all creative people, since this is how we redefine our own lives.

They need to be alone every now and then

Very creative people need to enjoy their own solitude, to be alone with their own thoughts. It is their way of recharging themselves and of reflecting on their life and their decisions.

Introspection also helps them work better, find solutions to their problems, and come up with bigger ideas. Loneliness and silence help them fuel their creative souls.

They are looking for their passion, much more than money

Creative people listen to their hearts to follow their passions, despite what others say or think. Most people don’t understand that their passion is more important to them than money. They are satisfied with a job that feeds their creative soul, even if it is not well paid. For them, that’s enough. And that is why they are considered irresponsible people.


What people don’t understand is that refusing to live in chains to “what has to be like that” doesn’t make us dumber or immature people, but braver people.



They have a changeable mood

Creative people have a dark side,  they change their moods very easily. It all depends on what is going on in the back of their worried mind.

Creativity endows them with a sensitive heart. This high sensitivity allows them to create wonderful things, but it is also a great source of suffering.

They are intuitive, daring and like risk

Creative people act on their instincts, because they are very intuitive. This is why they like risk so much, why they like to experience new things or like to know new people.

Taking risks means a lot of opportunities for them. It opens doors to new ideas and possibilities. The opportunity to learn and earn outweighs the risks, which are not as obvious to them as they are to others.

“Creativity is not a talent. It is one way to act. “

-John Cleese-

They create their own opportunities

For highly creative people, there is no room for expectation or routine. If they don’t have what they want, they go looking for it, even if it means losing sleep, giving up time with loved ones, or even putting some of their obligations on the back burner.

We are nonconformists and are always on the lookout for new sensations and experiences that keep our mind in shape.

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