My Chills Tell You My Story

My chills tell you my story

I am one of those who has ever trembled for someone or something, even if it was only once in my life.

I choose who causes this vibration to me through the body, and above all, throughout my soul.

It is always said that we are made of the little stories that we experience every day and which, taken together, form our personal history.

However, I believe that we are made of chills: what makes us feel like we belong to this world is precisely what happens to us and what motivates us to move forward, which allows us to dream and achieve. our dreams.

If you’re part of my story, you’ll always be a part of it

If we look within ourselves for a while, we will find that we have everything we just mentioned within us.

We will see people, we will feel hugs and smiles, we will dry up tears again, and we will talk about small details that have made us a little bigger and stronger.


woman on a wolf

If we continue to get lost in it, we will discover a world of memories that will again knock us back as if we had stepped back in time.

We find all that has happened in our life and that has remained engraved thanks to the touch, the smells, and the sensations.

All this will accompany us until the day of our death: all of this will stay with us, just like the small marks of our identity, just like the chills that make us feel that we have lived a moment fully.

The chills are my selective memory

We all know that it is our memory that decides what she wants to remember and what she wants to forget.

For some reason, she chooses to retain a fragmented view of one moment we have been through rather than another.

It is as if there is not enough room for everything that is happening to us and we have to select only what we want to remember.

However, our selective memory does the job on its own. How many times have you tried to remember the name of a former classmate, a phone number, or any other everyday detail?

It’s okay for you to forget things, but you will never forget those first things that made you react to the world.

It all corresponds to chills. Seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months that will never come back, but that can repeat over and over again, every time we close our eyes and remember them.

These memories are filled with sensations and feelings.

woman with red hair

Never stop looking for those new thrills that assert your personality

In a way, it is true that we live off what we remember, but we are also able to acquire new memories.

Our present should be converted into a constant search for those small or large things which make our whole being vibrate.

We can get tired of past memories: it is not a question of letting go of them, but rather of creating new ones that complement what we already have.

We cannot let the book end before the hour, but on the contrary we must take advantage of each of its pages, and write as much as we can.

When you feel that one of those magical thrills is coming, let it happen, let it envelop you and fill you from within.

Don’t ask yourself questions. Don’t wonder if he makes you happy, life has to feel one hundred percent.

Never contradict a thrill. Don’t ignore it either. Never run away in his presence, it is not the right attitude to adopt.


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