I Don’t Waste Time Criticizing You, I Have Better Things To Do: Strengthen My Self-esteem

I don't waste time criticizing you, I have better things to do: strengthen my self-esteem

Often in the course of our lives we have very harsh accusations made against ourselves that lead us to be overcome with guilt and unease, feelings that are difficult to escape.

In such conditions, we are forced to strengthen our self-esteem in order to be able to move forward.

Sometimes we feel overwhelmed by our problems, and rather than looking towards strengthening our self-esteem, we look the opposite way, towards all those things that make us believe that the other is worse than you.

When we criticize others, we are only reflecting our inner self.

However, we are wrong. This flight reflex is selfish: criticizing others means adopting an attitude that reveals frustration and insecurity, among other things.

By behaving like this (without taking into account gratuitous badness here), one can become a toxic person and do a lot of harm to others, without necessarily realizing it.

Criticism defines the one who criticizes, not the one who is criticized


Our education is done from everything that our community forges conventionally, since generally, we congratulate all the things considered as good, and we criticize or we judge those, they, considered as bad.

When our behavior violates kindness, we repress ourselves, and we feel guilty.

However, some people don’t care about standards, and go their own way; one that leads them to their own happiness.

Often times, someone who censors their life critiques and judges those who don’t.

In fact, she is the first to have a problem: criticism defines the one who criticizes, not the one who is criticized.

Whether we like it or not, our inner self is reflected in the way we treat others.

If we feel that we are not being effective and we realize that it is up to us to change things, then we must act.

Otherwise, rejection, insults and contempt for others will continue to attack us and our emotional void.


“The stronger our self-esteem, the better we can treat others.”

-Nathaniel Branden-

The profile of a critical person

Here are some of the character traits that a person who is easy to criticize exhibits:

  • Happiness shines by its absence in their life : as mentioned above, if this person feels the need to judge others in order to feel better, then it means that he has no self-esteem.
    Balance and well-being are essential for the proper functioning of our relationships with others: those who are not happy with themselves cannot be happy with anyone.
  • The unknown is constitutive of criticism: generally, criticism is addressed to people who have little or no knowledge.
    However, making such criticisms to a loved one can lead them to feel all the more guilty, and all the more uncomfortable.
  • Generally, it is a person dependent on others and lacking in confidence: strengthening their self-esteem means having more self-confidence.
    A person who is easy to criticize is generally a person who is insecure, who needs others to immerse himself in his own reality, in his own loneliness.


“Whoever does everything to become a better person does not have time to criticize others.”

-Mother Teresa-

Some tips to follow to strengthen your self-esteem

Some tips, if you apply them, can help you build your self-esteem; thus, your discomfort will not affect other people, who do not deserve it:

  • Remember your successes and successes
  • Accept your mistakes without judging or criticizing yourself
  • Do not seek approval from others, but from yourself
  • Remember the positive values ​​you have as a person, and make a list if necessary
  • Accept your way of being, the things you want to do and your emotional state; thus, we strengthen our self-esteem
  • Overcome the past and learn from mistakes


“Self-esteem is the capacity that we have to know ourselves, to accept and to value ourselves, which allows us to lead a more balanced, more joyful, more harmonious life. more productive ”

-Reny Yagosesky-

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