What Is Environmental Psychology?

What is environmental psychology?

Listening to voices as authoritative as that of Terri Swearingen saying that “we live on Earth as if we have another to go to”, gives you pause for thought. This is how we understand why  environmental psychology is growing in popularity day by day. In this sense, Kurt Lewin was one of the first psychologists to study and emphasize the influence that the environment and its characteristics could have on our behavior.

An important definition to know what environmental psychology is is that of the environment: it is about all the contexts in which the person can develop and whose influence on a group of people is notable. Think, for example, of the office as an environment that individually influences individuals, but at the same time has an influence on the group: those who go there, who go to work there.

It is true that environmental psychology has gained in importance and recognition in recent years. This is why  we will echo its postulates, its objectives, its approaches and its practical uses within the framework of this article.

What is environmental psychology?

Environmental psychology is responsible for analyzing the relationship of people with the environment. Two types of environments stand out here, natural environments and those created by humans. In other words, its theoretical field is interdisciplinary and focuses on behavioral and psychological variables related to our interaction in the various environments around us.

It is understandable that the interest of this field of study is maximum since  the relationship between people and environments is inseparable. We can thus analyze situations such as the school performance of a child according to the classroom in which he is located, or the psychological state of a person in a polluted city, to cite a few easy-to-understand examples.

earth in one hand

This psychological field attempts to  predict the ways in which variables in the physical environment will influence individuals. We can extrapolate an ethical aspect of the interaction of the two actors, which seeks ways to find global solutions in various fields, from the business world to individual situations.

How does this discipline apply?

This psychological discipline has grown in popularity as humans are increasingly aware of the importance of taking care of the planet and the environment. Indeed,  its establishment has developed a lot from an ecological point of view.

However, this type of psychology has also come a long way in terms of performance. N or s currently looking for architectural environments that encourage certain behaviors, such as high productivity, improved performance, a more relaxed mood, etc.

This discipline is also taken into account in the public aspects, with town planning for example. We’re looking for a larger welfare of the in dividual  in a more sociable and comfortable environment. When it comes to the business environment, as we mentioned earlier, the pursuit of greater employee well-being usually results in high productivity. Its application therefore also has interesting consequences here.

Approaches to environmental psychology

Once we know what and what environmental psychology is, it is interesting to delve into its approaches to current work.

Solution to environmental problems

In general,  the main area of ​​action is that of  identifying and solving environmental problems. This consists of working on the development of a plan to support human action when correcting errors.

In this sense,  the discipline focuses a lot on the livability of cities and the preservation of natural environments. Efforts are being made to this end in order to reduce pollution levels worldwide.

Analysis of social and psychological factors

Environmental psychology is often used in social integration programs. This is due to its ability to analyze psychological and social factors in specific areas. It can also include other elements of a particular environment.

environmental psychology

The influence of the past

Another usual approach to this discipline relates to  the influence of past factors in current problems  in a specific location. The evolution and the variables are analyzed for a certain time to study a possible relation.

Interdisciplinary approaches

We also find an interdisciplinary approach, as they  are usually integrated with other fields of study, such as cognitive, developmental or even organizational psychology. As we mentioned earlier, environmental psychology is used for design, architecture, economics, planning, politics, etc.

There is no doubt that this is a discipline as little known as it is fascinating. Human beings are the product of a planet that sees us being born and dying. Therefore,  our relationship with the environment and the environment is fundamental to define us as a species.

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