Anyone Can Touch My Skin, But Caressing My Soul Is Rare

Anyone can touch my skin, but caress my soul is rare

To caress the soul is to seduce with words to ignite unsuspected emotions.

The good craftsman of sincere love knows that there is no greater attraction between two spirits which are and which are discovered beyond the skin and the feelings, to caress the soul is to be reborn in the other without ceasing to be oneself.

When you think about it, genuine mental unions with someone are very rare.

This is a relationship which, beyond the stage of seduction, is hardly based on the physical but on a harmony of tastes, pleasures, knowledge and complicity, which offer moments wonderful and unforgettable.

In the beautiful indigenous Mexican language, called Nahuatl, caressing the soul is translated by the word “apapachar” which means “to cuddle”.

Without a doubt, it is an exceptional art that we should all practice with our loved ones, for it contains respect, recognition and this love that transcends the skin and the senses …

We invite you to think about this.


Love is not in the heart, love lives in our mind and in our soul

The act of “cuddling”, of caressing someone else’s soul, does not come from the heart.

Although the image of love is still traditionally linked to this organ, this feeling is rather located in the brain, where this chemical, chaotic and fascinating dance takes place that determines many of our sensations.

We know that passion and love in its most euphoric version are governed by a subtle combination of neurotransmitters like dopamine, norepinephrine and serotonin.

But… What happens when what we feel is above all a “mental union”, a fascination that goes beyond the skin or the physical?


The logical side of love

All is not chaotic in emotional relationships. The cerebral cortex hosts the “most logical” processes, that is to say, perception, consciousness, judgment, more balanced reasoning…

  • In this outer part of our brain, formed by very complex neural networks, we have a kind of rudder.
  • This is where the assessment processes take place which, for example, tell us whether someone is worth it or not.
    They also allow us to enjoy mental connections that interlock all the information that comes into our world.

The limbic system and the magic of emotions

While the outermost part of our brain takes care of the most logical tasks or problem-solving, in its deepest area hides a structure as magical as it is special: the limbic system.

  • This brain region is stimulated when we feel pleasure thanks to this energy, the pleasant conversations with the loved one, the knowledge we will acquire, the discoveries, the humor and the tenderness that we are offered by words. .
  • With each positive act, the limbic system offers us these neurotransmitters responsible for pleasure and well-being, generating the magic of attraction. 

Intelligence also appeals

Anthropologist and emotional relations expert Helen Fisher tells us that science can’t explain exactly what makes us attracted to some people and not others.

We fall in love with the people who are close to us, but sometimes factors like mystery or intelligence are also highly attractive elements.

According to a work published in the journal, attraction by intelligence tends to be very common and especially among women.

In fact, some people prefer a spouse with great intelligence rather than an attractive physique.

  • Intelligence is seen as something lasting. That is to say that this exceptional union where emotions harmonize with wisdom, with a sense of humor, with regular and enriching dialogues, gives greater satisfaction.
  • Those who say they feel more attracted to the “inside” than to the “outside” seek above all that mental connection where the challenge, the discovery and the pleasure of listening to the other think satisfies them and makes them feel unique.

To conclude, intelligence can be a very seductive component, of course, but that doesn’t guarantee a stable and happy relationship.

To caress the soul of the loved one, any brilliant mind must be accompanied by the delicacy of emotional wisdom. 

To love someone with nobility is also to know how to strip one’s soul with humility to find oneself in the most obscure corners of oneself, to get to know oneself better, to “cuddle” and discover oneself with the other and also build , the space of the couple.

It is a wonderful adventure worth living. 

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