The Last Drop Of Meaning That Springs From The Source Of Life

The last drop of meaning that springs from the source of life

There comes a time when you hit rock bottom, where nothing makes sense and you feel exhausted  both physically and mentally.

All lack of life, all lack of meaning. We have hit rock bottom and the pain prevents us from continuing to fight. The source of life is completely dry.

We have all already felt lost, exhausted. At one point our forces let us down and it is as if we were in the middle of a rough sea, with no way out. 

We make hundreds of decisions every day, so some can turn out bad in the end. This happens to us for everyday decisions as well as for those that carry more weight.

We must then get back on the boat of which we are captains. To do this, you just need to connect the dots to form a figure that will look familiar to you, and on which you can rest.

Live your life intensely

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Leave the past and the future behind, make time for yourself and enjoy every minute as if it were the last.

It’s hard, but you should like everything you do in your life. So live it intensely, so that every second has meaning.

Devote yourself to others

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If your life has lost all meaning and you want to choose “an easy path,” the first thing to do is to devote yourself to others and share your existence with them.

 It will teach you to love, respect and appreciate your life. Giving with closed eyes can dispel the fog in which one feels lost.

It is as if, through others, we can reach ourselves, in a way reversing the path.

By protecting those we love and who love us, we also protect our senses. We are strengthening our support network.

So when we’re on the verge of falling again, someone will be there to reach out to us. And it’s not about just anyone, but a hand that knows us and knows how to catch up with us.

You must learn to seek and find what you need, but never believe that it is the final solution to this void of meaning you found yourself in.

Love, respect, share, open up. But at the same time, be free  to find meaning in your life.

Enrich your life every day

When we see the years go by and when we look behind us,  sometimes we feel that we have wasted our time,  that we have not done things we wanted to do, or that we would have wanted to repair the harm caused by a misunderstanding.

So, you contemplate an empty life in the past, filled with experiences that never came to fruition because of your fears and worries.

Of course you had dreams! But you never managed to make them come true and they turned into real dreams.

Give your life the meaning it deserves. When you are old then you will look behind you and be happy with the paths you have made, even if you would have liked to change a thing or two.

This way, you won’t have any regrets, because you will have done everything you wanted to do.

There will probably be a lot of things you haven’t accomplished, but that’s okay! You can’t do everything either. You have to do what is most important to you.

Make every day count. Live the experiences you want to live without limits and without fear.

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Your life has meaning, but you must strive to find it. You need to think about it today, not tomorrow.

Leave the past behind and start practicing whatever you want to do. It’s time to stop dreaming and start making our dreams come true by taking action.

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