The Golden Circle Of Simon Sinek

Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle is a principle that can be applied to a business. The goal is that she knows the objectives on which she must focus her efforts. And know how to do it. 
Simon Sinek's Golden Circle

This theory was popularized by the English journalist Simon Sinek. Many companies know what they are doing and know the processes that lead them to their goals. However, they are not aware of the reason why they are doing it (mission).

Simon Sinek’s golden circle is based on these different points. It tries to explain  the three questions that every business must answer in order to do its job. If companies follow this principle, they will gain inspiration and profits.

Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle Questions

The three questions on which Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle is based are:

  • What is the company dedicated to or doing? (What?)
  • How does it do its work or what processes does it follow? (How?)
  • What is his mission ? (Why?)

This third question is, according to Simon Sinek, the one that many companies fail to answer. When working with sales teams, helping them to set up their business plan, frequently use the “why?” is a very powerful weapon to identify the weak points of an action plan. Thus,  an initiative is neither good nor bad in itself. It is if it is moving away or approaching the goal that the company wants to achieve.

Simon Sinek study

For example, when we ask ourselves whether we should include our new product line in our online store, it would be foolish to immediately answer “yes” or “no”. The business expert is the other person and the advisor’s job is to help them identify if this action is in line with the mission they have set for their business.

So, the essential question is “why do you want to include these products in the online store?”. After an intense series of questions and relying on Simon Sinek’s golden circle, you will be able to answer them.

The premises of the golden circle of Simon Sinek

To apply the ideas of Simon Sinek’s golden circle, we are going to put ourselves  in the shoes of the people to whom we are going to talk about the implementation of the new project. We can then think about what motivates them. What interests them. And their values ​​and beliefs.

From there, we can connect with these people to explain to them the why of the new project. This is why arises from our most primitive brain, where our instincts and our sense of security reside. This is the message that many brands use. They try to take over our life and turn us into “fans”. With a good characterization, we will be willing to identify with them and share their values.

We will then see how we will achieve the objectives of the project. We will talk about the advantages and benefits that the implementation of new ideas implies. And dispel any possible doubts about its viability. Finally, we will explain the processes, actions and decision-making that will take place during the development of the project.

Simon Sinek study

The materialization of the idea

We will then see what will be obtained from the materialization of the project. So, in this last point, we will outline the details of the end goal. This final phase of Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle sees our brain use its most rational part. The one that leads to actions.

This will allow us to know whether or not we have achieved our goals. Our motivation will be reactivated through a feeling of satisfaction and reward after the work done.

Ultimately,  with these standards, we can reorganize the way we conduct a new project within the company. We will start from the meaning it has instead of starting to try to materialize an idea that, from the start, lacks meaning.


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