Everything Arrives At The Right Time To Those Who Know How To Wait

Everything happens to those who know how to wait

Patience, still patience, always patience. The one who waits, despairs and makes mistakes … especially when he is faced with uncertainty, not knowing if his dreams will one day come true.

Don’t bother waiting. The reward is waiting for you to be patient.

But, patience goes beyond waiting. It’s a calm prospect, a kind of pause in our desire. Patience does not put us to sleep, it imposes itself in the face of anxiety, and wakes us up.

Patience is bitter, but its fruits are sweet

It can be hard to understand, but being patient is not about putting up with something until you are overpowered and are on the verge of giving up.

Being patient is an art responsible for freeing us from the various unnecessary emotional weights that weigh on our shoulders and our hearts, in order to bring us to a state of peace.

If you are patient in a moment of anger, you will escape a hundred days of sadness.

For Eastern philosophers, patience is a gift, a force our mind uses to let the rest of the body know that eventually everything will happen.

The most beautiful things in the world require patience, in order to be covered with a halo of enthusiasm and illusion.

It can be a complicated love, an almost inaccessible person, a physical preparation, or a contest; and finally, all the goals we aim for.

He who waits and does not despair finds the unexpected

We often have the impression that life is telling us “no” when in fact it is only telling us “wait”.

We get impatient, and because of this, our nervousness pushes us to make mistakes.

Sometimes we feel tired, exasperated by our friends, our partner or our future prospects, we have the impression that nothing good is happening to us and that life is not made for us.

Patience, a queen dethroned by speed

The secret to patience is remembering that the pain is temporary, and the reward is eternal.

He who resists wins. Nevertheless, if we judge the interest that we have in cultivating and working this gift, we can say that patience is a dethroned queen.

Speed ​​only teaches us to be the first in everything we do, to win, and to run.

If you take things with patience, then you stay out of the game. However, who says success necessarily means time and patience, because these are the only instruments that guarantee us that one day, we will know a certain skill.

Work on your patience to know yourself

Understanding yourself requires patience and tolerance; the I is a book made up of many chapters that cannot be read in one day.
However, from the moment you get down to it, then you should read every word, every sentence, and every paragraph, for they contain valuable clues about the whole book within them. The beginning is none other than the end in itself. To find supreme wisdom, you just need to know how to read.

Jiddu Krishnamurti

Great sages are calm, patient and self-confident people. This proves to us that by being patient, we will be better able to contemplate the world with understanding and common sense.

If you do not work on this gift of patience, then you will behave impulsively and thoughtlessly.

You will create or aggravate your problems, and you will miss out on a multitude of opportunities.

To cultivate your patience, you don’t need much. You naturally have all the cards in your hand to do so. Here they are :

1. Breathe

Breathe deeply. It’s always a good solution, because it helps us think. By resting for a few seconds to take the time to breathe, in a way, we pause our internal dialogue.

2. Understand why you are so impatient

Ask yourself, and ask yourself why you are so impatient. If you overdo it, then rearrange your priorities.

Do this in your mind, but you can also do it in writing, which will help you calm down.

3. Identify what usually generates impatience in you

These could be certain people, stressful situations, or even yourself. But just being aware of it will help reduce the anxiety that comes over you.

4. Is your patience useful or justified?

If you answer this question sincerely, then you can regain your composure.

Fearlessly consider the possibility of letting go of all the things that are keeping you from going well.

5. Take time for yourself and hope for the unexpected

You need to understand that things don’t always turn out the way you want them to.

Accept that life takes winding paths before it gets you where you want to go. Be realistic about your future prospects, and understand others.

6. Don’t be afraid to change and don’t forget to try

Practice makes the master. Developing patience means leaving behind those bad habits with which we have lived for a long time.

And like all learning, cultivating this gift requires moderation.

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