Meryl Streep, 17 Thoughts Of A Great Woman

Meryl Streep, 17 thoughts of a great woman

Meryl Streep is a great actress, but most of all she has  proven to be an admirable woman, reaping successes and drawing fans all over the world. We are talking about an enigmatic woman, with a temper and character that has become irreplaceable in Hollywood and in the hearts of her admirers.

She’s made in her image, not what we might expect from a woman from the film industry. Her authenticity, her wisdom, her sensitivity and her incomparable readiness to interpret are the aspects that stand out most in Meryl Streep.

The awards and recognitions obtained for his performances and his career are numerous. Streep garnered twenty-one Oscar nominations, becoming the most nominated woman for those awards; she was consecrated for her roles in  Kramer vs. Kramer , in  Sophie’s Decision  and in  The Iron Lady .

She received around 30 Golden Globe nominations, of which she won eight. In addition, in 2017 she received the Cecil B. DeMille Award to honor her entire career. They won other important recognitions: three Emmys, two Actors’ Union awards, two BAFTAs and a Cannes Film Festival award. As we can see, his professional record is impressive.

Meryl Streep

Little is known about her private life since she married her current husband. A notable fact if we take into account that it belongs to a world where the sensational press has great power, capable of promoting or opposing individuals without worrying about controversy.

We know that Meryl Streep deeply loved John Cazale, who died of cancer in 1978. We know that she was with him every moment and that this union was encouraging and admirable for those who followed her.

After experiencing long and painful mourning,  Don Gummer came into his life to become his second and last great love. Meryl Streep has always said that she still hasn’t gotten over the loss of Cazale, but that Gummer has taught her that life goes on and that this path to explore can also be wonderful. In his own way, in another way.

17 thoughts from Meryl Streep

His criticism of Donald Trump or his defense of women’s rights shows us a person engaged in what is happening around the world. His statements are imbued with sensitivity, but also wisdom. His vital gaze is transcendent and coherent, so that his reflections leave a well of richness to those who listen to them. Let’s go over some of them:

  • Let no one take away the wrinkles on my forehead, obtained through astonishment at the beauty of life; or those of my mouth, which show how much I laughed and how much I kissed; nor the circles of my eyes: in them is the memory of how much I cried. They are mine and they are beautiful ”.
  • “I don’t have patience for certain things, not because I have become arrogant, but simply because  I have come to a point in my life where I don’t want to waste more time with what I do. do not like or that hurts me. I have no patience with cynicism, jealousy, excessive criticism and demands of any kind. I lost the will to please who I don’t love, to love who doesn’t love me and to smile for those who don’t want to smile at me. I no longer waste a minute of my time on someone who is lying or who wants to manipulate me or manipulate others.
Meryl Streep
  • I have decided not to live with pretense, hypocrisy, superficiality, dishonesty and cheap praise anymore. I can no longer tolerate selective scholarship and academic arrogance. I can’t stand conflicts and comparisons. I believe in a world of opposites and for this reason I avoid people with a rigid and inflexible character ”.
  • In friendship I don’t like lack of loyalty and betrayal. I don’t get along with anyone who doesn’t know how to praise or encourage others. The exaggerations annoy me and I have difficulty accepting those who do not like animals. And above all, I have no more patience for those who do not deserve my patience.
  • “My actions are what represent me as a human being, not my words.”
  • “Instant gratification doesn’t come fast enough.”
  • “  My family comes first, it always has been and always will be ”.
  • ”  Don’t confuse having a college degree with having an education. The title is a piece of paper, education is about responding when someone says hello ”.
  • “The great gift of human beings is that we have the power of empathy.”
Meryl Streep
  • “Always carry your beliefs into all areas of your life, put your heart to work and expect the best from everyone.”
  • “At the end of the day, what matters is how you feel. Not what your mother tells you. Not what another actress tells you. Not what everyone is telling you, but that small voice deep inside you ”.
  • “  I would rather be a rebel than a slave. I encourage women to rebellion ”.
  • “Some people are full of compassion and a desire to do good, and others just believe that nothing will make a difference”.
  • “If you have a brain, you have to use it”.
  • “  You have to accept that you are going to get old Life is precious and when you have lost a lot of people you realize that every day is a gift ”.
  • “Women: don’t worry about your appearance. What makes you different or strange is your strength ”.
  • “Motherhood has a very humanizing effect. It all comes down to the basics ”.
  • “You have to keep doing what you are doing. This is the most important lesson I have learned from my husband, he always says:  Keep moving, start with start ”.

We have highlighted some of the vital and therefore intimate reflections that Meryl Streep left with society. Sharing his own thoughts is an act of great generosity, and there is no doubt that some of his sentences will appeal to us as long as they are filled with lucidity, certainty and simplicity.

On the road to Madison
Our thoughts Our thoughts

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