Our Grandparents Are The Emotional Heroes Of Our Past

Our grandparents are the emotional heroes of our past

Out of all corners of the world, there are always some that we like the most. No matter how much you travel and where you are, there are no bad times to come back. You know very well who these “homemakers” are.

Homemakers smell of love, unconditional acceptance, tenderness, and long hugs that make you close your eyes and smile.


Thus, a homemaker represents the best mirror in which to look at yourself every day: it will always reflect the most real and authentic version of yourself. It represents the light at the bottom of the tunnel, the support on your path, and the shoulder on which to rest to cry.

Our grandparents are those unforgettable, unique and irreplaceable people. We rejoice in the memories we have with them, their hugs, and the knowing gaze of two people who know they are made to love each other.

They represent the sweet home, the hot chestnuts, the respect, the new games, the magic tricks, the pride and the satisfaction, the wet ground of a summer storm, and the hot chocolate in winter. They represent childhood and development.

Grand parents-

Their emotional imprint is imbued with us in the most basic moments of life, in the value of respect, in maturity, gentleness, tenderness and protection.

Little by little, we carved out their wise looks, the depth of their words and their teachings, the unfinished games, the emotional challenges, the kisses that heal all wounds and the chocolate bar at snack time.

Memories of infinite love

Imagine that life is like playing wolf.

Well, the grandparents are home.

Adaptation of Elvira Sastre

Grandparents make a child’s life exceptional, they symbolize all those things that are worth snuggling up to and feeling the warmth of loving arms that will always welcome us.

They are the greatest healers of knee sores, a breath that anesthetizes, and a hug that puts us back on our feet.

Thanks to them, we learn without rules, with calm. They educate us with the serenity of age and the satisfaction to come.

From our first moments of life, they become our most loyal friends, our playmates and our most beautiful smiles.

During the best years of our life, we share our enemies with them, hiding our little game from parents who have a duty to avoid excessive consent.


Deepening our roots …

Grandparents are wonderful because they listen to us and show a genuine interest in what we tell them.

Moreover, as it is often said, sometimes perfect love only comes when meeting your grandson / daughter.

A grandparent is a person with a silver coat and a heart of gold. Its emotional richness tints our history with warm colors, indelible traces, charisma and love.

The grandparents showed us that there are no barriers in matters of love and that the path of tenderness is immense.

Our grandparents are one of life’s greatest treasures. So, it is important to be faithful to our roots and never forget what their existence and participation in our life implies.

If you’ve been lucky enough to be able to share moments with them, enjoy every wink of their memories and find yourself in the values ​​they taught you.

Give more importance to respect, love and tenderness, rather than the ephemeral and the mundane.

If now is your turn to be a grandparent, make your grandchildren fondly remember you.

Never forget them, keep them alive and present in your daily life. Let the voice of experience and the authentic reason within you.

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