5 Strategies For Getting Up Early

5 strategies for getting up early

You have surely heard the proverb: “Help yourself, God will help you”. It is well known that people who get up early are more likely to achieve their daily goals. Aware of its importance, we will take advantage of this article to give you some strategies for getting up early.

First of all, keep in mind that getting up early is a battle fought on two fronts: preparing the body and deceiving the numb mind. Unfortunately, it is not always easy. Therefore, we recommend creating a routine in which organization and foresight prevail. For example, preparing some details the night before, such as meals, will help.

According to a study by the University of Toronto and the Rottman Research Institute of Canada, people who tend to get up early are happier and healthier. Researchers conclude that early risers are generally healthier and more satisfied with their lives than night owls because they are easier to adjust to life’s schedule.

So, in addition to discipline and willpower, we suggest that you follow the following strategies for getting up early if you want to achieve your goal:

A good rest

The struggle to get up early is not entirely mental. There is an important physical component: rest. It is not only the quality of your sleep, but also the quantity of it.

Therefore, make sure you go to bed early instead of letting the hours go by. Also pay attention to your diet and physical activity. General fitness greatly affects sleep patterns and energy levels.

sleeping woman

Go to bed 30-60 minutes before bedtime

In fact, one of the biggest barriers that keep people from falling asleep, besides producing too little melatonin, is having an overactive mind.

Some people are so afraid to face the conversations of their mind that they seek to distract themselves from music, radio or television until they finally fall asleep.

You need time to relax and let go of the worries of the day. One of the ways to do this is to read. You might not find time to read after a busy day. Do not worry; after just 20 minutes of reading, you will start to notice that you feel tired.

Set goals for the next day

If the only thing you have planned for the morning is to take a shower and go straight to the office, it’s no surprise that you don’t find the motivation to get out of bed. You have to be enthusiastic about your morning activities. If not, we understand that extending sleep hours is the best option.

We even recommend that you take some time each evening to write down the things you would like to do the next day : run, watch your favorite series, see the family, etc. Setting goals can help you get up earlier.

Do it gradually

If you need to change the time you wake up, do so gradually. Start by getting up 15 minutes earlier in two days, then trying to scratch a few more minutes and so on. Realistic goals will make you feel like you are accomplishing what you set out to do and that you are on your way to success.

Alarm clock on the bedside table

Adopt good practices

The quality of sleep is often determined by what happens before going to bed. Therefore, we recommend that you avoid some simple habits that will help you get up early:

  •     Do not exercise within 3 hours of going to bed.
  •     Don’t drink caffeine after 2 p.m.
  •     Do not use electronic devices 30 minutes before sleeping.
  •     Do not drink alcohol before going to bed.
  •    Dinner at least 2 hours before resting.

In short, the body can adapt easily, and over time waking up early will be something automatic that does not require any further effort. You just need to apply these strategies and you will become an early bird.

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