The Heart Does Not Age, Only The Skin Becomes Wrinkled

The heart does not age, only the skin wrinkles

It is said that a person does not age when their skin wrinkles, but when their dreams and hopes wrinkle.

In reality, no one gets old by having lived a certain number of years, but we get older when we put aside our mind and its ideals.

In our heart there is a place called “love”. Life, these are the leaves that envelop it and its flowers smell of beauty, hope, happiness and illusion.

Together, they build a garden of experiences that must be taken care of and sanitized from time to time, so that it reaches its greatest splendor over time.

The fact that we have seen many calendar sheets go by does not make us any less able to love, to fulfill our dreams or to enjoy our life as a couple.

It is true that one acquires perhaps certain vices or manias of a personality that time has solidified. However, there is absolutely nothing negative about it, because knowing how to live with changes is also part of age.

Where some see old age, others see the beauty of years gone by. Beauty is stronger, vigor, rosy cheeks and red lips. So, forget about anti-aging creams, because aging is inevitable!


Accumulating youth is an art

It doesn’t matter if you start to see gray hair, and wrinkles in unexpected places on your face.

What really matters is that you have accumulated experience and knowledge, and that you understand that it is obligatory to evolve and not to waste a single second of your life.

The vigor of a young spirit is not found at a specific stage in our life or at a specific age. In fact, youth is not a period, it is a state of mind.

We strive to find an elixir of eternal youth when we should be seeking eternal vitality.

Accumulating years is the most beautiful thing in this world because it means that you are alive and you always have the opportunity to accumulate experience and knowledge.

Having a young mind means that the love of adventure is indelible, and that one keeps a temperate character who contemplates life with calm and is aware of the ephemeral.


You should not try to add years to your life, but try to add life to your years

People who add life to their years have long banished the “can’t” from their minds and know that if something is offered, age is not a barrier.

These people do not see wrinkles on their heart, because their soul cannot wrinkle, it can only grow and enrich itself.

Our face may show some signs of age, but our eyes will always radiate the glow of one who knows life is made to breathe.

Never lose hope, even if you are lacking in strength. Make every year you spend leave marks on your skin.

Become a time thief to make every moment eternal and never give up the pleasure of remembering yourself.

Collect memories. Face your present with strength and courage.

Make your years sparkle, remind your skin of the smiles of yesteryear, earn respect and bewitch your life. You will then be able to take full advantage of a one-way trip.

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