The Kindness That Leads To Self-destruction

Kindness that leads to self-destruction

It makes perfect sense that most people feel more at ease when interacting with people whose kindness comes through at first, rather than when chatting with bitter or pedantic individuals.

However, some people come to aim to be the kindest, the purest of heart, and the most friendships because of their natural kindness.

The real question is: can you be kind everywhere, all the time, to everyone?

Some people misinterpret kindness and friendliness, and often abuse their “friends” who are good people. Others are kind all the time because they can’t stand the very idea of ​​conflict.

It is certain that we feel good when we are kind to others, but sometimes we can go against our own interests, so as not to offend others.

We cannot make others happy all the time, especially if we feel bad inside. 

Learn how to say no!

People who are very busy often feel guilty about not having time to do the things they would like to do. And in order to feel better, they tend to try to solve other people’s problems, to escape their own contradictions.

Do not let yourself be influenced and refuse any blackmail!  Some people use others to achieve their goals, never considering the interests of the people they use.

Find balance by deciding not to do more for others than they do for you. That doesn’t mean you have to leave them out, just that you can refuse what others ask you from time to time if you can’t.

We can only advise you to sharpen your common sense, and learn to identify what is right for you. When you feel that a situation can only bring you bad things, don’t hesitate to say “no”!

Don’t feel guilty all the time

Are you one of those people who feel guilty about pitting their own interests against those of others? Do you have the habit of apologizing when you have not been able to do a favor to a person, to whom you have already given a thousand favors?

Try to think about yourself a bit. If you weren’t able to help someone, you probably had something important to do for yourself. And you don’t have to feel guilty about it.

Even though it may sound selfish to you, your own best interests should be your top priority. This is the rule that you should keep in mind, as long as it does not affect others.

If you act on what’s important to you, the people around you will notice. They will gradually stop asking you for exaggerated favors, and you will feel much better.

Work on your self-esteem

It can be hard to recognize this, but people who have low self-esteem are often the most pleasant with others. If you are way too nice to others, try to analyze yourself.

This will let you know what makes you be so lovable. You may be looking for validation of your behavior from these people because you don’t trust yourself.

Having self-confidence is essential to achieve what you want in life.  If you start by not giving in to everything that others ask of you, you will quickly feel better. This is an important step in building your self-esteem.

It’s not easy to stop being “the nicest person in the world”. Little by little, correct any excessive behaviors you may be having, and you will see that the world has great things for you!

Being nice is obviously not a fault. The world would be much better off if everyone was kind. Don’t change your natural tendency to be a nice, caring person.

Simply, change the excessive behavior, which puts you at the mercy of others, while weakening your personal interests. 


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